





(    ) 1.下列字母中含有相同音素的是________________

A.PQR     B. MNL      C.ILF       D.ABC

(    ) 2.You can see _____"u' and _______"b" in the word " bus"'.

A.a; an       B. an; an        C. a; a       D. an; a

(    )3. ----Thank you very much!


A.Thank you     B.OK       C. That's all right.   D. I'm fine, too.

(    ) 4.My school has six________. I am in the football club.

A.sports club    B.volleyballs clubs    C.sports clubs    D. volleyball club

(    ) 5.The girl is Linda Green, we can call her_______.

A.Green     B.Linda      C.Miss Green    D. B or C

(    ) 6.The keys are_______ the drawer and the book is______the floor.

A.on; in       B.in; under         C.in; on        D.on; under

(    ) 7.Look______ the wall! There are some windows______ it.

A.for /in       B. at/on        C.after /to     Dat /in

(    ) 8.-----Is your brother's name Jack?


A,Yes, it's.      B.No, he isn't.      C.Yes, he 's     D.No, it isn't.

(    ) 9. ---- Please _ ____ your homework_____ here, Tom!

—OK , Miss Gao.

A.bring /不填   B. have/with    C. take /to    D. bring/to

(    ) 10.Here _____a set of keys, the keys_____on the table.

A. are ; is     B.is; is      C.are; are     D.is; are

(    ) 11.He often plays football____school______his friends.

A.for; to    B.at; with      C.in; with     D.to; with

(    ) 12.-----What about playing volleyball after school?


A.That's all right.   B. That's OK.     C. That sound good.   D.A good idea!

(    ) 13.They are my parents, I love ______and they love_______, too.

A. they; I      B. they  ; me    C. them; I       D. them ; me

(    ) 14. Let Tom _____ .

A. plays volleyball    B.playing the volleyball   C. play volleyball   D.play the volleyball

(    ) 15.----_______________is the T-shirt?

-----It's orange.

A. What        B.Whe re       C.What color       D.What's color

(    ) 16.There are four___________on the table.

A.potato      B.tomatos     C. an apple     D. watches

(    ) 17. ----___________on the bookcase?

-----Oh, they are my CDs.

A.What are those    B.What's this   C. Are they CDs    D.Where are those

(    ) 18.------Do you like the song "Yesterday Once More"?

-------Yes, it_________really nice!

A.feel       B.sounds     C.listens       D.hears

(    ) 19.My friend has a volleyball, but I________.

A. don't have      B. doesn't      C. do       D. don't

(    ) 20 .They don’t have _______ pens, but I have ________.

A. some, some    B. any, some      C. any, any          D. some, any



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