


 英语是其他学科的学习基础,试题对朋友们的学习非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了秋期初一英语上学期期中试卷,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!


(    ) 1. --______ is that over there?

--_______is an apple.

A. What; It         B. What; That

C. What color; It     D. When; That

(    ) 2. This is ______orange and that is _____jacket.

A. a; an     B. an, a      C. a; a      D. an; an

(    ) 3. ---Is that ______ ruler?

---No,it isn’t.It’s ______ ruler.

A. you, my    B. your, his   C. my, you      D. you,I

(    ) 4. Look!This is a picture _______ my bedroom._____ bedroom is tidy.

A. of, A      B. of, The   C. for, A      D. for, The

(    ) 5. ---Is this an apple?

---Yes, _________.

A. it’s     B. this is   C.it isn’t       D. it is

(    ) 6. --____your brother have a basketball?

--Yes, but an old one.

A. Are       B. Is        C. Does        D. Do

(    ) 7.--- _______ is the boy with a pair of glasses?

A. Where    B. Who       C. What     D. How

(    ) 8.Here ______ my family photos.

A. am       B. are        C. is           D. be

(    ) 9. This is Jack.That is Mary._______ are my cousins.

A. He       B. It      C. She     D. They

(    ) 10. ---Is that girl in red skirt ______ classmate?

---No,she isn’t. _______ is the girl in yellow one.

A. your, Mine      B. yours, My        C. your, My       D. yours, Mine

(    ) 11.I_____ a clock. It ______ blue.

A. has, have      B. have, is     C. has, is   D. have, have

(    ) 12. This is _______ bedroom.

A. Jenny and Maria’s        B. Jenny’s and Maria

C. Jenny’s and Maria’s       D. Jenny and Maria

(    )13.Look,the set of keys_____ on the teacher’s desk.

A. are         B. were        C. is         D. was

(    )14.---Is the cat ______ the bed?

---No,it isn’t.It’s ______ the door.

A. under, under       B. on, in      C. under, behind      D. in, in

(    ) 15. My friend ______ have a TV, but he ______ a computer.

A. don’t, has       B. doesn’t, have

C. doesn’t, has      D. don’t, have

二. 完形填空 (10分)

先阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后选择最佳答案填空。 (每小题1分)

Lily, look  1   the picture. It’s   2   picture of our  classroom. In the picture, you can see some desks   3   chairs.   4   the blackboard, you can see two black and white cats. A map is   5   the door. It’s a map   6   Beijing. Under the   7   desk is a ball, but you can’t see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is   8   English girl. She looks  9   Lucy . But they aren’t  10  .

(    )16.A. in    B. at      C. to   D. on

(    )17.A.a    B. an      C. the   D./

(    )18.A.or    B. but      C. and    D. there

(    )19.A. In    B. Of      C. At   D. On

(    )20.A.at    B. in      C. under  D. behind

(    )21.A. of    B. on      C. in   D. for

(    )22.A. teacher   B. teacher’s  C. teachers’ D. of teacher

(    )23.A. /    B. the       C. a   D. an

(    )24.A.at    B. after   C. like   D. the same

(    )25.A. boys B. girls  C. twins     D. students



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