


(    )13. _______________ on May 14 th.

A. Frank’s birthday is       B. Mike’s birthday

C. They have a basketball game.    D. They have a birthday party.

(    )14. Mike is ______________ years old.

A. 13       B. 14       C. 15      D. 16

(    )15. What does Frank play on the concert?

A. The drum    B. The guitar   C. Games   D. We don’t know.



Hi, my good friends! My name is Sasha. I have a nice family. Please come and meet my mother, father ,(1)__________, and me.

This is my mother, Michelle  Obama. She is very tall. She is a kind woman. She is in bed at 9:30. And (2)she likes running in the morning.

Look at the big man. (3) 他是我的爸爸。His name is Barack Obama. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He is 1.86 meters tall. He is the first black president(总统) in the USA. Basketball is his favorite sport.

This is my sister, Malia. (4) she, twelve, is , old, years. She takes soccer , dance, piano and tennis courses(课程).

This is me. I learn gymnastics(体操), tap (踢踏舞), piano and tennis

16. 在(1)处填入一个适当的单词

Please come a nd meet my mother, father ,(1)__________, and  me.

17. 把划线句子译成汉语。

(2)she likes running in the morning.

18. 把划线句子(3)译成英语。

(3) 他是我的爸爸

19. 把(4)处的单词连成句子。

(4) she, twelve, is , old, years.

20. 给短文拟定一个题目。  ______________________

VIII. 补全对话。 (5 分)

Grace: I am looking for my phone.

Frank: Ok. ______________? Tony Smith ?

Grace: No,_____________________.

Frank: ________________________?

Grace:  G-R-A-C-E.

Frank: Ok, ____________.

Grace: Thank you very much.

Frank: ____________.

IX、书面表达(10分)  请以“My Roo m”为题写一篇小短文,字数不少于30词。短文开头和部分提示词已给出,可以自己发挥.

提示词:sofa, computer, chair, books, bed, in, on…….

Have a look at my room. It is small but beautiful.



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