


Cap Black, red $ 6

(    )1. Black or yellow socks are $4.

(    )2. You can buy school bags in Mason’s Clothes Store.

(    )3. You have six dollars. You can buy a red cap.

(    )4. You want to buy two sweaters. You need(需要) $16.

(    )5. You can’t find the red T-shirt in Mason’s Clothes Store.


I’m Dale. I’m a green and yellow pencil case(铅笔盒). What’s this? Oh, it’s Helen, a pen. And that’s Frank, a ruler. Helen is black and Frank is blue. What’s this in English? It’s a jacket, a white jacket. Its name is Alice. What color is the key? Oh, it’s black.

(    ) 6. Dale is a ______.

A. pen       B. pencil case      C. ruler

(    ) 7. The pencil case is ______.

A. green and yellow   B. yellow      C . green

(    ) 8. The ruler is ______ and the jacket is ______.

A. white; blue       B. black; white    C. blue; white

(    ) 9. The ______ and the ______ are black.

A. pen; jacket      B. key; pen        C. jacket; key

(    ) 10. The jacket is ______.

A. Frank     B. Alice      C. Helen


My name is Frank Whit e  . I’m fifteen years old. I was born(出生) on May 13th, 1996. Mike is my good friend. His birthday is on May 15th. He is only 13 years old now. Every year on May 14th, we have a birthday party together in our school. We often have a pop concert(音乐会) . I play the guitar. He plays the drum. Many friends come to our party. We are very happy.

(    )11. Frank’s birthday is on __________.

A. May13th      B. May14 th.    C. May 15 th .    D. May 16 th.

(    )12.Mike was born on ______________.

A.  May 13 th, 1998.   B. May 15 th , 1998.

C. May 14 th,1996.     D. May 16 th , 1996.



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