


人才源自知识,而知识的获得跟广泛的阅读积累是密不可分的。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了上学期七年级英语期中试题,欢迎阅读与选择!




(   )6. A. How do you do?  B. Fine, thank you.   C. I’m five.

(   )7. A. She’s thirteen.   B. She’ s a teacher.   C. Her name is Jane.

(   )8. A. Yes, it is.    B. Yes, they are.    C. Yes, he is.

(   )9. A. Thank you.    B. Nice to meet you, too. C. You’re welcome.

(   )10. A. I’m twelve.    B. I’m OK.    C. I’m from Beijing.


(   )11. A. 7312-8492.    B. 7623-5849.   C. 7381-5849.

(   )12. A. Class Seven.    B. Class Four.   C. Class Five.

(   )13. A. 12.      B. 11.     C. 13.

(   )14. A. An egg.     B. A ruler.    C. An eraser.

(   )15. A. China.     B. England.    C. Canada.


W: Good   16  , I’m Miss Brown. I’m from   17  .

I’m your teacher. What’s your name, please?

M: My name is   18  .

W: How   19   are you?

M: I’m   20   years old.

W: OK. Thanks.

16._______   17._______   18._______   19._______   20._______


Name Liu Mei

English name 21.

From 22.

Age 23.

Class 24.

Telephone number 25.


I. 词汇(10分)

A ) 根据汉语提示完成单词,使句意完整。

1.  —What_________(颜色) is your ruler?

2.  _______(这儿) is your pen.  It is blue.

3.  Nice to ________(见面)  you.

4.  My________(最后的) name is Green.

5.  The football is_______(在下面)the chair.

B ) 根据首字母提示补全单词。

6.  This is a m________ of China.

7.  I h ________a new friend.

8.  He lost h________ school ID card.

9.  My room is  t  ____ .

10. W ____ are the erasers?  In the pencil-box.II、情景会话与语法(共20小题,计20分)

(   )1. Are you Bob?  ___________. I’m Mark.

A. Yes, I am.  B. No, I’m not.  C. Yes, I’m not. D. No, I am.

(   )2. ________ is she?  She’s my mother.

A. Who   B. What   C. Where  D. That

(   )3.  Are ___________  your parents?

A. this   B. that   C. those   D. she

(   )4. Jim and Tim are good ____________.

A. brother  B. friend  C. friends  D. sister

(   )5. Is he your teacher? ________________.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t  C. Yes, he is.  D. No, this isn’t.

(   )6. This is ________ _ MP4. Yours is over there.

A. my   B. me   C. I    D. mine

(   )7. Your school bag is nice. _________________

A. Yes, it is  B. Thank you C. That’s right. D. Oh, no.

(   )8. Is this your bike _________ Mary’s?

A. and   B. or    C. but   D. of

(   )9. Ask the teacher _________ your keys.

A. to   B. of    C. for   D. in

(   )10. We________ to the same school.

A. goes       B. go        C. going       D. gose

(   )11. Boys like playing _______ basketball after school.

A. a    B. an   C. the    D. /

(   )12. ________ your cousin have a basketball?

A. Is   B. Are   C. Do   D. Does

(   )13. I ________ TV on Sundays.

A. look   B. see   C. watch  D. read

(   )14. I like English. I think it is _______________.

A. fun   B. difficult  C. boring  D. interested

(   )15. Paul, do you have a basketball? ________, I don’t have one.

A. Excuse  B. Sorry   C. Yes   D. Sure

(   )16. Four and five ________ nine.

A. is    B. am    C. are   D. does

(   )17. __________is your sister? She’s five.

A. How   B. How old   C. What   D. Why

(   )18. “世贸组织”的英文缩写是_____________

A. NBA   B. CCTV   C. WTO   D. BBC

(   )19. The blue pen is mine. The red one is _____________.

A. Helen  B. Helen’s   C.  Helen’  D. Helens’

(   )20. The photo of my family is _____________.

A. in the wall  B. on the wall C. of the wall  D. at the wall

III. 请选 择动词的适当形式填空。(5分)[

(   )1. My brother and I _________ in the same class.

A. is     B. am   C. are    D.be

(    ) 2. I _______ English is easy, I like it.

A.think        B.see     C.look   D. play

(   )3. You must _______ your teacher for it.

A. asks       B. ask     C. asking   D. askes

(   )4. My uncle isn’t a doctor, but your uncle _______.

A. is        B. are         C. am   D. does

(   )5. How about _________ soccer?

A. play     B. playing     C.plays   D. playes



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