


古人有“书中自有颜如玉”之说。杜甫所提倡的“读书破万卷, 下笔如有神”等,无不强调了多读书广集益的好处。这篇七年级英语第一学期期中考试试题,希望可以加强你的基础。



A) 听句子,选择正确的应答语。听两遍。

1. A. Nice to meet you,too! B. Good morning !    C. Hi, I’m Jill!

2. A. Thank you !       B. I’m fine.        C. You’re welcome!

3. A. Yes, they are.       B. No, she isn’t.      C. Yes, it is.

4. A. Yes, I am.       B. No, he doesn’t.     C. No, I don’t.

5. A. They’re my dogs.   B. There’re five.     C. No, she isn’t.

B) 听对话,选择正确的答案。听两遍。

6. What’s the man?

A. A worker.      B. A doctor.      C. A teacher.

7. Are they classmates?

A. No, they aren’t.       B. Yes, they are.       C. We don’t know.

8. What does the boy have?

A. a watch    B. a car     C. a toy car

9. What’s the man’s telephone number?

A. 84738542         B. 84039542        C. 84039342

10. When does class begin?

A. 7:50           B. 8:00           C. 8:10

C) 根据所听短文,选择正确的答案。听两遍。

11. Zhang Ming is ________ years old.

A. 11     B. 12    C. 13

12. Zhang Ming is ________.

A. tall and thin   B. short and strong C. thin and short

13. Zhang Ming is in Grade (年级) ________.

A. 7     B. 8     C. 9

14. Zhang Ming’s father is ________.

A. a cook    B. a driver   C. a worker

15. Zhang Ming’s mother is a ________.

A. a teacher   B. a farmer   C. a nurse



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