


广泛的知识有助于学生形成良好的道德品质和健全的人格,向往真、善、美,摈弃假、恶、丑;威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了七年级上册英语期中考试检测试题,欢迎阅读与选择!


第一节   听力理解 ( 20分)


1.How many people will give the Harry Potter books as gifts?

A. 250  B.750   C.1,000.


2.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.To help her. B.To look for the baby. C.To look after the baby.

3.What is the baby doing?

A.Washjng shoes B.Sleeping  C.Brushing teeth

4.How does the woman feel at first?

A.Sad   B.Happy    C.Worried


5.What do they do to protect the river?

A.Speak on the radio. B.Collect rubbish. C.Tell people to stop polluting

6.How many members do they have?

A.12   B.16   C.28

7.When will they start the work?

A.At 8:00a.m ,Saturday.  B.At 8:00p.m Sunday.  C.At 8:00 a.m Sunday


8.What was the boy doing when he found the sweets?

A.He was cleaning his bedroom. B.He was at the party.

C.He was talking with his mom.

9.How was the boy after he had the sweets?

A,He was fine  B.He was ill  C.He felt nothing.

10.When did he buy the sweets?

A .Yesterday  B.At Christmas.   C.2 years ago.

第二节  听取信息( 5分 )


Small things to save the Earth

1.Think green Turn off the TV to save A._____ and take a shorter shower to save the water,

2.Shop green Before buying sth. Think about B ______ you will really need it.

3.C,_____ green Use both sides of D _____ .Use old textbooks.

You and your E_____ can join the green action group to know more.



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