




(    )1.一________does your father go to work every day?  一He goes to work by bike.

A.When       B.How       C.What           D.Where

(    )2._______fine mornings,old people get together and do exercise by the lake.

A.In          B.On        C.At              D.To

(    )3.—_______helping me a lot.  —You are welcome.

A.Thanks to    B.Thanks for     C.Thank to    D.Thank for

(    )4.Mr. White will come _______7:00 p.m._______the evening of November 8th.

A.at;on       B.at;of        C.in;in      D.on;on

(    )5.一Is this rubber_______?  一Yes,please give it to_______.

A.her;her       B.yours;I     C.his;him       D.theirs;they

(    )6.一Do you often _______ CCTV News in the evening?  一Yes,I do.

A.see          B.1ook       C.watch         D.read

(    )7.一Let’s play ______ football after school.一But we don’t have _____ football now.

A./;a       B.a;a        C./;/        D.a;/

(    )8.一Do you have the book Who Moved My Cheese?

一Sorry,I don’t.You can borrow it from the_______.

A.football club       B.classroom      C.art room      D.school library

(    )9.一I really love this e-dog,Hobo.一_____

A.Me,too    B.Yes,it is    C.Yes,of course      D.No,I'm not

(    )10.Millie has _______ black hair,and she is good _______ English.

A./;at      B.a:in       C.an;with           D./:on

(    )11.I often talk _______ the phone _______ my friends _______ home.

A.on;to;to   B.in;with;at   C.over;to;from   D.on;with;at

(    )12.一Is Grandpa at home? I want to ask _______ for help.

一Yes._______is in the bedroom.

A.him;He     B.her;She      C.you;He     D.you;She

(    )13.一You always come to school first in the morning,Tony.

一You know,my mother _______ every morning.

A.wake me up      B.wake up me   C.wakes me up       D.wakes up me

(    )14.一Would you like _______ this afternoon,Zhang Hua?

一Of course! I often go _______ at the weekend,you know.

A.swimming;swimming       B.to swim;swimming

C.swimming;to swim         D.to swim;swim

(    )15.Playing football _______ us and many of my classmates __________ it.

A.are good at;are good at      B.are good for;are good for

C.is good at;are good for       D.is good for;are good at



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