




一、 听力(共15分)

I. 听对话回答问题(共5分,每题0.5分)

(    ) 1. What are they talking about?

(    ) 2. What is the boy doing?

(    ) 3. What does the boy’s mother do after supper?

(    ) 4. What are they talking about?

(    ) 5. What are they going to buy for their teachers?

A. Some cups   B. Some cards   C. Some cakes

(    ) 6. How does the boy usually go to school every day?

A. By bike   B. On foot  C. By bus

(    ) 7. What does the woman mean(意思)?

A. There isn’t an English word for the food.

B. She doesn’t like the food.

C. She doesn’t know English.

(    ) 8. Where are they probably(可能) talking?

A. In a supermarket  B. At home   C. In a restaurant

(    ) 9. What colour is Peter’s mask?

A. It’s blue.   B. It’s yellow   C. It’s green

(    ) 10. What does the boy do when he is not happy?

A. Plays chess   B. Goes shopping   D. Draws

II. 听对话和短文回答问题(共10分,每小题1分)


(    ) 11. What does her father want to buy?

A. Some fish   B. Some eggs   C. Some meat

(    ) 12. What time can the girl get home from the shop?

A. At about 5.30   B. At about 6.00  C. At about 8.30



On Monday morning We have a ___13_______meeting.

On Thursday We listen to talks about ___14_____.

On Friday  We ___15______.

(    ) 13. A. sports         B. class        C. parents’

(    ) 14. A. English        B. Maths      C. pets

(    ) 15. A. go swimming   B. do some washing   C. do some cleaning



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