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1.A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister

2.A. uncle B. aunt C. brother D. daughter

3.A. cousin B. son C. daughter D. friend

4.A. parent B. parents C. picture D. friend

5.A. here B. dear C. these D. those


6. A. My friend is Jenny. B. My friend is Danny. C. My friend is Mary.

7. A. This is my cat, Mimi. B. This is my dog, Lang. C. This is my daughter, Jane.

8. A. That is his uncle. B. That is his son. C. That is his aunt.

9. A. She is my mother. B. She is her aunt. C. She is her grandmother.

10.A. That is my grandfather. B. That is my grandmother. C. That is my friend.


11. Is that your sister?

A. Yes,he is.     B. No, she isn’t.      C. Yes, it is.       D. No, it isn’t.

12. Is that your aunt?

A. Yes, it is.       B. Yes, he is.        C. No, he isn’t.     D. No, it isn’t.

13. Is he your brother?

A. Yes, he is.      B. No, he isn’t.       C. No, it isn’t.     D. No, it is.

14. Is Jenny your friend?

A. Yes, he is.      B. No, she isn’t.      C. No, it isn’t.     D. Yes, it is.

15. Who’s that?

A. It’s my sister.   B. He is my brother.   C. He is my father.  D. It’s my uncle.

D. 听短文,选择正确答案。(每题2分)

16.         is my father name.

A. Green         B. Brown           C. Smith          D. Wilson

17. My grandfather is

A. Jeff           B. Tony            C. Jim            D. Tim

18. My         name is Gina.

A. mother’s       B. aunt’s           C. sister’s          D. daughter’s

19.        is my mother’s name.

A. Gina          B. Jane             C. Mary          D. Jenny

20. There are         people in my family.

A. four          B. three             C. five            D. six



21. There is         art room and a ball in the building.

A. a                B. an               C. the              D. /

22. ---        the girls happy?

---No,        .

A. Are; they aren’t    B. Are; they are       C. Are; there aren’t    D. Are; there are

23. ---Can I watch TV now?

---No, you         .

A. can              B. can’t             C. aren’t             D. are

24. ---When is Tom’s birthday?

----        birthday is on May 6th.

A. My              B. Your             C. His               D. Her

25. I like these pants.        Nice.

A. It’s              B. That’s            C. You’re            D. They’re

26. ---I like that red T-shirt.        is it?

---It’s fifteen dollars.

A. How old          B. How many        C. How much         D. How long

27. ---What’s your sister’s favorite         ?


A. movie            B. fruit             C. food              D. color

28. A lot of people don’t play sports. They only         them on TV

A. look              B. watch            C. read              D. see

29. ---Where are the socks?


A. They’re on the bed.                    B. They’re $5.

C. I’ll take them.                         D. I can’t find them.

30. Do you have         son, Mr green?

A. a                 B. some            C. any

31. This is         shirt. It’s          old shirt.

A. a/an              B. a /the             C. the/an            D. the/the

32. Welcome                  school.

A. to/ours            B. to/our            C. with/our          D. with/the

33. ---What does he do?

---         .

A. He is a boy.        B. She is a worker.     C. He is a doctor.     D. He is has a cat.

34. Ann Read         my name.

A. is                B. are               C. have             D. can

35. ---         this?

---He’s Lei Feng.

A. Who’s            B. What’s            C. Where’s           D. How’s

36. That is         pen.

A. my a             B. mine              C. my              D. a my

37. ---Nice to meet you.

---         .

A. Nice to meet you.   B. I am fine.          C. OK              D. Good morning.

38. ----Is this your book?

----yes,         .

A. they are           B. they aren’t         C. it is              D. it isn’t

39. You         students.

A. is                B. isn’t              C. are               D. is not

40. We come from         .

A. Chinese           B. China             C. Chinese country    D. China country



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