



第一部分  听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

I. 听句子,选出你所听到的字母或单词。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

1. A. Gg         B. Jj                                  C. Ee

2. A. Ss         B. Xx       C. Hh

3. A. those       B. this      C. these

4. A. too          B. two      C. to

5. A. aunt        B. uncle     C. cousin

Ⅱ. 听问句,选答句。每个句子读一遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

6. A. Yes, that is.          B. No, it’s a book.        C. Yes, it is.

7. A. It’s good.             B. It’s a pencil.           C. That is a desk.

8. A. It’s a cup.             B. It’s Tom.              C. It’s under the bed.

9. A. It’s black.             B. It’s a hat.              C. It’s my hat.

10. A.OK.                 B. Yes, it is.              C. Thank you.

III. 听对话和问题,选择最佳答案。对话和问题读两遍(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

11. A. On the chair.       B. On the table.        C. In the schoolbag.

12. A. Jenny’s.          B. Linda’s.              C. Tom’s.

13. A. 6381-9071.        B. 6281-9170          C. 6 280-9170.

14. A. Susan.              B. Mike.                C. Jack.

15. A. Yellow.            B. Red.                   C. Blue.

IV. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,每小 题1分,共5分)


16. This dictionary is______.

A. Bob’s     B. Helen’s    C. A nna’s

17. What color is Bob’s pen?

A. Green     B. Blue     C. Red


18. Who is looking for(寻找) the cat?

A. Tommy.          B. Tina.                 C. Mimi.

19. Where is the cat?

A. It is under the chair.  B. It is behind the door.   C. It’s on the bed.

20. What is behind(在……后面) the door?

A. Tommy’s schoolbag.    B. Tina’s schoolbag.       C. Tina’s cat.

第二部分 语言知识运用(共50分)

V. 单项填空。(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)


(  )24. I______ Anna. She is Gina. Gina and I ______ sisters.

A. am, am          B. are, am              C. am, are          D. are, are

(  )25. --What’s your _______ name?

--Jack. And my _______ name is Smith. You can call me Mr. Smith, too.

A. family, first       B. first, last            C. last, first          D. family, last

(  )26. I have a friend. My friend is ________ China.

A. in               B. at                 C. on               D. under

(  )27.--Is this your pencil?

--Yes, ______.

A. this is            B. that is              C. it is               D. it’s

(  )28. --Is this her ruler?

--No, it’s ______, my brother’s.

A. yours            B. mine              C. hers              D. his.

(  )29. Are these your keys? E-mail  me _____Cindy2013@hotmail.com.

A. with             B. on               C. in            D. at

(  )30. I’m _____, but Tom isn’t. His books are everywhere.

A. not tidy          B. everywhere         C. tidy              D. not everywhere

(  )31 . Here ______ two tapes on my desk.

A. is               B. have              C. am               D. are

(  )32. --What’s that ______ English?

--It’s a bookcase.

A. in              B. on                 C. under             D. for

(  )33. --________ your friend?

-- He is OK.

A. Who’re          B. How’s          C. Who’s             D. How’re

(  )34. --______ are  they?

--They are my ______.

A. What, parents     B. What, parent        C. Who, parents       D. Who, parent

(  )35. --The blue pen is mine. ______ this dictionary?

--It’s hers.

A. What color is      B. What’s            C. Who is            D. What about



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