



听力部分 (20分)


(   )1、

A                         B                         C

(    )2、

A                         B                       C

(   )3、

A                       B                       C

(     )4、

A           B C

(    )5

A                         B C

二、根据你所听到的内容,选择相应的答语. (每题1分,共5分)

(    ) 6. A. Good morning!  B. How are you?   C. I’m fine , thanks.

(    ) 7. A. It’s a ruler.      B. It’s red .       C . It’s mine.

(    ) 8. A. Yes , they are    B. Yes, these are.  C. Yes, it is .

(    ) 9. A. It’s green.      B. It’s a pen.      C. It’s an eraser.

(    ) 10. A. He is Jack.    B. I’m Tom.       C. Her name is Alice

三、 听对话,回答问题。 (每题2分,共10分)


(      ) 11. Is this Jane’s key?

A.Yes, it is .        B. No. it isn’t.       C. Yes, they are.

(      ) 12. What’s David’s telephone number?

A. 5352036         B.5350326          C. 5350236


(      ) 13. What color is the pen?

A. It’s blue          B. It’s red            C. It’s black

(      ) 14.What’s on(在…..上面) the quilt?

A . A map           B. A jacket           C. A key

(      ) 15.What’s brown?

A. The quilt         B. The ruler           C. The jacket.



(   )1.---Nice to meet you! ---            !

A.Good morning.              B. Hello!

C. Nice to meet you, too!          D. I’m fine!

(   )2. It’s ______ blue.It’s _____ blue ruler.

A.a;/   B./;a    C.a;a     D. /  /

(   )3. ---Lily,what’s this in English? ---__________.

A. This is a pencil      B. It’s a pencil

C. It’s pencil          D. This is pencil

(    ) 4. ---         ? --- His name is Mike.

A. How are you?         B. What’s his name ?

C. How old is he?        D. Where is he ?

(    ) 5. This is a girl .        name is Lucy.

A. His      B. He       C. She            D. Her

(    ) 6. --- Are those your friends ?--- Yes,      .

A. they are   B. they’re   C. they are not      D. they aren’t

(    ) 7. ---      color is your quilt? ---It’s yellow.

A. What’s     B. What     C. Where         D. How

(    ) 8. 书写时占中下两格的是       .

A. k         B. g        C. h             D. f

(    ) 9. I       fine .How       you?

A. is, are     B. am, are    C. are, are        D. am, is

(    ) 10. This isn’t       ring. It’s        .

A. mine, her   B. me, she    C. her, my       D. my, hers

(    ) 11.These are his       .

A. photoes    B. photos    C. photo         D. eraser

(    ) 12. ---          --- K-E-Y.

A. What’s that?            B. Please spell it.

C. Can you say it?          D. Is it a key?

(    ) 13.This is Ms Liu .       is my friend.

A. Her        B. He          C. She        D. His

(    ) 14. He can see his parents in the        .

A. ruler         B. picture     C. pen        D. number

(    ) 15. --- Mike, is this Tom’s pencil box?  --- Oh, yes, it is

A. mine         B. hers       C. his         D. my



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