七年级英语上册基础知识复习题:Unit 4





1.His first name is John,and his ________ name is Brown.

2.________ your pictures here. Take the books there.

3.Linda is my ________, and Clark is my uncle.

4.Ask and ________ these questions.

5.The parents have a son and a ________.


6.在课桌下面 __________________   7.在沙发上面 ________________

8.在背包里 ____________________   9.在抽屉里 __________________

10.在椅子背后 _________________   11.在电话旁边 _______________ XKB1]

12.在图片里 ___________________    13.在墙面上 _________________

14.在梳妆台和床之间 ___________         15.在地上 ___________________


(    )16.Is your photo in the drawer? ________.

A.Yes, I am     B.No,it is     C.Yes,it is    D.No,I’m not

(    )17.________ my baseball? It’s under the chair.

A.Where       B.Where’s      C.Where’re    D.Where are

(    )18.________ under the tree? No,they aren’t.

A.Where are    B.What is      C.Are they      D.Is it

(    )19.Where are your brothers? ________.

A.He is at home    B.He is in his roomC. Yes,they are   D.I don’t know[m]

(    )20.There ________ a computer on the desk.

A.are          B.have        C.has          D.is

(    )21.________ there water in the cup?

A.Is          B.Are          C.Has          D.Have

(    )22.What’s under the desk? ________.

A.It’s a football                 B.I can see a set of keys

C.They are red box              D.There’s a cat

(    )23.He ________ a small room. ________ a nice desk in it.

A.is, There is   B.has, Has  C.have, There is     D.has, There is

(    )24.Lucy and Lily ________ a new bike.

A.have       B.has C.there is       D.there are

(    )25.There ________ an orange and two apples on the table.

A.are          B.has         C.is            D.have



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