初一英语上册Module 4综合测试题(有解析)



初中的学习至关重要,广大小学生朋友们一定要掌握科学的学习方法,提高学习效率。以下是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的初一英语上册Module 4综合测试题,供大家复习时使用!



1.We have got two carrots on the table.

2.My  favourite food is chicken.

3.Have you got any French fries?

4.Ice cream is not healthy food.

5.Can you bring me a hamburger,Jim?

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______  5.______


Have you got ice cream?

6.A.Yes,I have.  B.No,I am not.  C.No,I have ice cream.

What's your favourite vegetables?

7.A.H amburgers.  B.Carrots.   C.Eggs.

Where are these foods?

8.A.On the table.  B.Yes,there are.  C.Eggs and hamburgers.

Have we got any beef,mum?

9.A.Yes,you have. B.Yes,we have.  C.Yes,she has.

Is there any chicken on the plate?

10.A.Yes,there are. B.Yes,there is.  C.Yes,we have.


Eric is  my brother.He likes eating very much.For breakfast,he has eggs,milk and carrots.For lunch,he has chicken and hamburgers.And for dinner,he has tomatoes,salad and hamburgers.He doesn't like eating fruit.And he often eats ice cream after dinner.He doesn't like to play sports.

11.Eric likes to play sports.

12.Eric often eats ice cream after dinner.

13.Eric likes eating fruit very much.

14.Eric has chicken and hamburgers for lunch.

15.Eric doesn't have eggs for breakfast.



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