


亲,2013年的期中考试就要到了,怎么办呢?不要怕,精品小编为各位考生编辑了新教材初一英语期中考试试卷, 希望大家多看多做多练~


(时间:90分钟    满分:100分)

Ⅰ. 听力(共20小题,每小题1分)

A. 从A、B、C三个选项中选出所听到的单词,并将答案写在答题卡上(写在试题上的答案算无效答题)。每个单词读两遍。(5小题,每小题1分)

1.   A. blog            B. age             C. flat

2.   A. break            B. band             C. bell

3.  A. protect            B. provide            C. pollute

4.  A. guitar            B. grade             C. ground

5.  A. Germany          B. Geography         C. German

B. 从A、B、C三个选项中选出所听到的句子,并将答案写在答题卡上(写在试题上的答案算无效答题)。每个句子读两遍。(5小题,每小题1分)

6.  A. I’m from Japan.

B. I’m from China.

C. I’m from Germany.

7.  A. My favourite subject is Maths.

B. My favourite subject is Art.

C. My favourite subject is Science.

8.  A. I love going to school.

B. I like going to school.

C. I hate going to school.

9.  A. Some live on the land.

B. Some fly in the sky.

C. Some live under the water.

10.  A. Classes end at 3 o’clock p.m.

B. Classes end at 3:10 p.m.

C. Classes end at 3:30 p.m.

C. 听下面两段对话,根据听到的内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并将答案写在答题卡上(写在试题上的答案算无效答题)。对话听两遍。(10小题,每小题1分)

11. Where is she from?

A. She is from Japan.   B. She is from China.  C. She is from Germany.

12. How old is she?

A. She is 12.    B. She is 13.    C. She is 14.

13. What’s her hobby?

A. She likes playing basketball.

B. She likes reading books.

C. She likes drawing pictures.

14. How many brothers and sisters does she have?

A. She has one elder brother.

B. She has one younger sister.

C. She has one elder sister.

15. What’s her dream?

A. She wants to be an Art teacher.

B. She wants to be an Science teacher.

C. She wants to be an Maths teacher.

16. When do I get up on Saturday morning?

A. at 7 o’clock     B. at 8 o’clock     C. at 9 o’clock

17. Who always goes to the library with me?

A. My sister Anna    B. My brother Peter    C. My brother Bobby

18. What do we do in the library?

A. We read books there.   B. We watch TV there.   C. We have a rest there.

19. What do I do after lunch?

A. I go shopping with my family.

B. I playing basketball with my family.

C. I read books with my family.

20. Where do we visit after the lunch?

A. the library    B. the street market  C. the supermarket

Ⅱ. 单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分)


21. I’m good ______ swimming and playing football.

A. in             B. on              C. of               D. at

22. I enjoy ______ different places in the world.

A. learn about     B. to learn about     C. learning about     D. learnning about

23. When the bell ______, I ______ to the playground.

A. ring,  run     B. rings,  runs     C. rings,  run      D. ring, runs

24. Sam, Jack and I ______ part in the school band practice on Sundays.

A. take      B. takes       C. am taking      D. to take

25. --Does Xiao Mei play the piano?

-- ______________.

A. Yes, she is.     B. Yes, she does.     C. No, she isn’t.     D. No, she does.

26. He wants to be ______ doctor. My dream is to be _____ engineer.

A.,        B. a,  a       C. a,  an       D. an,  a

27. -- ______ does she live? – She lives in Shenzhen.

-- ______ are you going to email her? – Right now!

A. When,  Where  B. What,  When     C. Where,  When     D. When,  What

28. Bobby’s home is far away from his school, so he ______ goes to school on foot.

A. often      B. usually      C. always       D. seldom

29. Does Anna go to school ______ school bus?

A. on       B. at        C. in        D. by

30. --________ do you brush your teeth? ---Once a day.

A. How often     B. How soon        C. How long        D. How many

31. I enjoy _______ my school friends.

A. see           B. to see           C. seeing           D. saw

32. ---When do you have your morning break? ---- ______ 9:50 a.m.

A. At           B. On            C. In               D. with

33. My favourite hobby is ________ table tennis.

A. play           B. playing          C. plays           D. played

34. –How is her study at school?

--Very good! She _______ fails the exams.

A. always      B. often        C. sometimes       D. never

35. —_____ do you go home?    --- By train.

A. How      B. How often      C. How many      D. Where

36. I like geography best, so it is my favourite ______.

A. sport         B. school          C. title         D. subject

37. There _______ many people like you and me on Earth, and there _______ also a lot of pollution.

A. are,  is      B. are,  are      C. is,  are      D. is,  is

38. --______ many swimmers in the sea in February?

--No, there aren’t.

A. Are there     B. Is there      C. Do there      D. Does there

39. There _______ a glass of water and three apples on the table.

A. are      B. do       C. is        D. does

40. It is very important for us ________ the Earth for our future.

A. protect         B. to protect          C. protecting          D. protected

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)


Ms Liu is our teacher. She ___41_____ us English. She always wears ___42_____. She is very kind and we all like her.

Every morning, Ms Liu gets up at 6 a.m. She usually goes jogging before breakfast. Because her home is close to school, she ____43____ walks to school and arrives at eight o’clock. She teaches two ____44____ in the morning. At noon, she ____45____ some students and corrects papers. She often has a meeting ___46_____ Wednesdays. In the afternoon, she teaches a lesson and plays ___47_____ table tennis ___48_____ her students. Then she walks home.

In the evening, she cooks dinner and ____49____ some washing. She reads some books and prepares her lessons after dinner. Sometimes she helps her son with his studies. She seldom _____50___ TV at night. She usually goes to bed at 11 p.m.

41.  A. teaches         B. is teaching       C. teach       D. teacher

42.  A. glass           B. glasses         C. a glass       D. some glasses

43.  A. seldom         B. never           C. sometimes   D. always

44.  A. lessons         B. lesson          C. students       D. class

45.  A. is talking to     B. talks to          C. talk to       D. talked to

46.  A. in             B. at              C. on        D. to

47.  A. the            B. a               C. an       D.

48.  A. by            B. for              C. to       D. with

49.  A. did            B. doing           C. does       D. is doing

50.  A. sees           B. looks           C. watches       D. reads



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