


教案一般包括教材简析和学生分析、教学目的、重难点、教学准备、教学过程及练习设计等内容。威廉希尔app 为大家提供了2015初一年级下册英语教案,希望对大家有帮助。

Period 3

教学内容:Section A 3a 3b 4

教学目标:1、熟悉句型:What size pizza would you like?

What would you like on it?


语言目标:1、What size pizza would you like?

2、What would you like on it?

3、What’s your phone number?

4、What’s your address?


Teaching steps:

Step 1:Greetings.

Step 2:Practice dialogues like this:

Do you like pizza? Yes, I do.

What kind of pizza would you like?

I’d like a pepperoni pizza.

What would you like on it?

I’d like mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese.

Practice in groups.然后再转到第三人称

Ask another student: What kind of pizza your father/mother would like?  He’d/she’d like...

Step 3: Match the questions and answers below and then practice the conversation.

Ask one student to read all the questions to the class. Ask another student to read all the answers.

Ask students to complete the exercise on their own..

Check the answers.

1. c 2.d 3.b 4.e 5.a


Step 4:通过活动,复习、巩固对话。


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