



The 1st Day

一、1. clever 2. easy 3. newspapers 4. windows 5. masters

6. glasses 7. newest 8. funny 9. wonderful 10. cameras

二、1 – 5 DDBCD 6 – 10 DBBCD


四、1. don’t do 2. Is there any 3. watches 4. Where does; live

5. When does;play 6. for Millie’s 7. good swimmer 8. was born

五、1. has 2. are 3. Does; take 4. to play 5. don’t watch

6. drawing 7. do; do 8. to keep 9. asking 10. visiting

六、1 – 5 ACBCA 6 – 10 DCCAC

七、1. My cousin also has a pair of football shoes.

2. This is a photo of my family.

3. Tom is the best at swimming in our class./ Tom is the best swimmer in our class.

4. The ticket for each adult is ten dollars.

5. Basketball players look tall and strong.

The 2nd Day

一、1 – 5 DGAJB 6 – 10 IEFCH

二、1 – 5 DDCBD 6 – 10 BDBBA

三、1. spends; writing 2. buy; for 3. is lying 4. I am; friend 5. Which man

6. Let’s go to school. 7. Don’t open the door, please

8. Are there any chairs; Yes, there are

四、1. A How 2. D Uncle John 3. D there is 4. C has 5. C be late

五、1. Are you; I’m 2. This is; twin brother 3. are nineteen students; a teacher

4. know this boy 5. best swimmer

六、1 – 5 BDCCB


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