七上英语寒假作业My school day试题(外研版含答案)



假期来了,大家是不是特别开心呀?但是小编提醒大家:我们还是个学生,主要任务还是学习哦!鉴于此,小编精心准备了这篇七上英语寒假作业My school day试题(外研版含答案),希望对您有所帮助!


Ⅰ. 听力(10分)

(Ⅰ)录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分)


6. Lucy goes to school __________ .

A. at 7: 45     B. at 7: 30     C. at 6: 45

7. How many classes does she have every day?

A. Four.      B. Two.      C. Six.

8. Where does she have lunch?

A. At home.     B. At school.     C. In a shop.

9. She often __________ after school.

A. plays table tennis  B. plays football   C. plays basketball

10. In the evening she __________.

A. watches TV

B. does her homework

C. watches TV and does her homework

Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)

1. We have __________ English class __________ Monday morning.

A. an; in    B. a; on     C. a; in     D. an; on

2. We have geography __________ two o’clock in the afternoon.

A. at     B. in     C. on     D. from

3. I like art, __________ I don’t like maths.

A. and     B. but     C. or     D. because

4. What __________  you __________  for lunch?

A. have; have   B. do; has    C. do; have   D. does; have

5. —__________ eating some fish for supper?

—Sorry, I don’t like it.

A. Let’s    B. Would you like  C. What about   D. Shall we

6. I like coffee __________ milk in it.

A. with    B. in     C. have    D. of

7. My teacher often __________.

A. talk to I    B. talk to me   C. talks to my   D. talks to me

8. My brother does __________ homework every day.

A. many    B. any     C. much    D. a lots of

9. I often have a __________ day at school, but I am very happy.

A. free     B. busy    C. good    D. bad

10. —Does Potter like playing computer games?

—No, he __________. He only likes reading books.

A. isn’t     B. don’t    C. doesn’t    D. didn’t

Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

The Green family usually goes to the park    1    Sunday.   2    take some bread, meat and water with them. They are now in the   3   . The sun is shining and the birds are singing. It’s a    4    day. Mr. Green is wearing a blue  T-shirt. He is    5   by the river. Mrs. Green is    6   under the tree. She is wearing a green dress and a pair of sunglasses (太阳镜). She is drinking some   7   . Peter and Alice are   8   a kite. Jack is playing chess. He is good at   9   . The Green family is very   10   today. ww w .Xkb1. coM

1. A. in     B. /     C. of     D. on

2. A. She    B. He    C. They    D. Them

3. A. hill    B. room    C. park     D. shop

4. A. fine    B. cold    C. rainy    D. snowy

5. A. swimming  B. fishing    C. riding      D. washing

6. A. singing      B. going   C. running     D. sitting

7. A. oranges   B. cake    C. water    D. meat

8. A. playing    B. flying   C. having     D. finishing

9. A. it     B. them    C. this     D. one

10. A. nice     B. funny    C. happy    D. hungry


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