七年级英语寒假作业Choosing presents测试题



威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇七年级英语寒假作业Choosing presents测试题,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!


Ⅰ. 听力(10分)

(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择句中所包含的信息。(5分)

1. A. chocolates    B. sweets    C. candies

2. A. jeans      B. silk shirts   C. trousers

3. A. book shop    B. party    C. concert

4. A. grandmother    B. grandfather   C. Lee Tong

5. A. football     B. basketball   C. table tennis



6. Whose birthday is it today?

A. It is Tony’s birthday.

B. It is Lingling’s birthday.

C. It is Betty’s birthday.

7. What does Betty get from her friends?

A. A birthday card.

B. A lot of birthday presents.

C. A birthday cake.


8. Where are Lucy and Lily from?

A. They are from England.

B. They are from America.

C. They are from Japan.

9. Who likes swimming very much?

A. Lucy.

B. Lily.

C. Lucy and Lily.

10. What do Lucy and Lily like doing?

A. They like playing basketball.

B. They like jumping.

C. They like playing football.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(20分)

1. Today is Tony’s birthday. Let’s __________ his birthday.

A. make a card to      B. makes a card for

C. make a card for      D. making a card to

2. He doesn’t like birthday cakes __________ birthday cards, but he likes parties.

A. and     B. or     C. too     D. with

3. —__________ your friend like playing volleyball?

—Yes, he __________.

A. Do; don’t   B. Does; doesn’t   C. Does; does   D. Do; do

4. (2011•滨州中考) —Do you often go to the gym?

—No, __________. I don’t like sports at all.

A. always    B. never    C. sometimes   D. usually

5. (2011•泰安中考)—Happy birthday to you, Mary!


A. Thanks a lot        B. The same to you

C. You are welcome       D. It’s kind of you

6. Every day I spend two hours __________ my homework.

A. finishing doing       B. to finish doing

C. to finish to do       D. to finish do

7. __________ me carefully, boys and girls. Can you __________ me clearly?

A. Listen to; hear from     B. Hear; listen to

C. Hear; hear        D. Listen to; hear

8. —Would you like to go boating with me?


A. Yes, please   B. That’s right  C. Yes, I’d like  D. Yes, I’d love to

9. —__________do you usually do your homework?

—I usually do my homework in the evening.

A. What    B. When   C. Where    D. How

10. This is __________ room.

A. Tom and Tony’s      B. Tom’s and Tony’s

C. Tom’s and Tony      D. Tom and Tony


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