






1.(    )l        A .o          B . m        C . t

2.(    )k        A . s          B .h         C.  u

3.(    )nice      A . morn ing   B. five      C . in

4.(    )yellow    A . evening    B. red       C. name

5.(    )thank    A. this        B. that       C. Smith


A): 英汉短语互译(10分)。

1我的被子_______________     2. 她的夹克衫_______________

3一把钥匙_______________     4. 姓____________

5.英国广播公司_____________              6. first name___________

7.a yellow ruler_______________            8.in English _______________

9. your telephone number _______________   10. NBA_______________


11. I(形容词性物主代词) _____         12. name’s (全写) _______

13.L(代表的意思) ________            14.it is (缩写)________

15. Rr (同音词)  ______              16. this(对应词) ________

17.pulerp(正确顺序)________       18. is (复数) ________

19.his(人称代词主格) ________       20. 30796(英文表示)_________________-

得  分



(   ) 1. 英语字母中,有两个能独立成单词是_____。

A. A,O      B.I,U      C. A,I   D. E,I

(   )2.下面句子中字母大小写及标点符号完全正确的是_____

A.Hi,Bob! B.What’s this in English. C. it’s  a pen. D.He is fine,Too.                       (   ) 3.– Good afternoon, Helen!      –________ Ms. Wang!

A. Good morning!         B. Fine, thank you

C. Good evening          D. Good afternoon

(   )4. –How are you?      –______________.

A. good morning             B. Fine, thanks

C. How do you do?           D. Hello.

(   )5--- What’s this?      --- __________ .

A. This is H     B. It’s H   C. That’s H      D. It H

(   )6.–Is that a pen?    – No, it isn’t. It’s ____ orange.

A. a        B. an     C. the      D. this

(   ) 7. How ____ she?  – She is fine, thank you.

A. are       B. is        C. am        D. be

(   )8.–_____ ?      –It’s a cup.

A. Is it a cup           B. Is this a  cup

C. Is that a  cup        D. What’s this

(   ) 9.–What’s that ?         –It’s ______ key

A. a          B. the         C. /        D. an

(   )10. –What’s this _______English?      –it’s a map.

A. at         B. on         C. by       D. in

(   )11.This is a pen. _________ black

A. It         B. He’s         C. She’s       D. It’s

(   ) 12. _____phone number is 325—02852.

A.he        B. you       C.My      D. I

(   ) 13. –________is the  telephone ?   –Blue.

A. What   B. Who      C. What’s     D. What color

(   ) 14.----Nice to meet you!.    --- __________ .

A. It’s a pen            B. Nice to meet you, too

C. I’m OK, thanks.       D. Good afternoon

(   ) 15. –How do you spell“key”?     –__________.

A. It’s a key   B. Key   C. K-E-Y   D. Yes, it is

(   ) 16.–Your jacket  is very nice.   –___________.

A. Thank you  B. Excuse me  C. No, very bad  D. Ok, really?

(   ) 17.My name is _________ . I am an English boy.

A.  Gina green  B. Helen Green   C. Alice green  D. John Brown

(   ) 18. ________ your name?

A. What    B. What’s  C. What’re  D. What’s is

(   ) 19. –Are you Frank?   –Yes, _____.

A. I am   B. I’m   C. it is     D. you are

(   ) 20. Tom and Jim ____friends.

A. is      B. are        C. am      D. isn’t

(   ) 21. Her name is Alice Green. Her first name is _____ .

A. Alice     B. Green    C. Alice Green       D.Green Alice

(   ) 22.What’s your father’s telephone number?

---_____phone number is 138787876.

A. She   B. His   C. Her  D. My

(   ) 23. What color ____ it?

A. am       B. is       C. are      D. be

(   ) 24. _____is my friend.

A.Ms Zhang   B.Ms Jack   C.His   D.Her

(   ) 25. --- __________.  ---- Q-U-I –L-T

A. What’s this            B. what is it

C. Spell it , please.        D. What color is it?

得  分


Ⅴ.句型转换  按括号内的要求转换下列句型,每空填一词


1. This is a ruler.(对划线部分提问)

_____  _____ this?

2.The jacket is red.( 对划线部分提问)

_____  _____ is the jacket?

3.Her name is Gina  (对划线部分提问)

____  _____  name?

4. Is he Frank? (做出否定回答)

No, _______  ________.

5.I’m Helen.写出同义句).

______  ______ is Helen.

VI. 连词成句。(每题2分,共10分,注意大小写,标点符号已给出)

1.white, jacket,black , is , the, and

_______________________________________________ .

2.ruler, the , blue, is

______________________________________________ .

3. his, what, last, is, name

________________________________________________ ?

4. telephone, her, 368-6856, is, number

__________________________________________________ .

5. you, Alan, are

_________________________ ?


Good morning,everyone! I’m Jack,My last name is Smith.My jacket is yellow. My ruler is red.My telephone number is 863-4568.Tom is my good friend.His last name is Green.His jacket is black,his ruler is blue,his telephone number is 928-8686.

(   )1. Jack’s last name is ___________.

A. Green     B. Smith     C. Tom

(   )2. Jack’s jacket is____________.

A. yellow     B. black     C. red

(   )3. Tom’s telephone number is__________.

A. 824-2689    B. 928-8686    C. 928-8068

(   )4.Jack’s telephone number is__________.

A. 863-8568     B. 863-2598    C. 863-4568

(   )5. 下面哪项是正确的?

A. Tom is Jack’s good friend.  B. Tom’s jacket is white.  C. Jack’s ruler is black.

B  卷(50分)

Ⅷ。 按要求填空(共20分)

A)根据句义及首字母提示填空。 (每空1分,共5分)

1. Nice to m______ you!

2. My l____ name is Brown.

3. What’s your telephone n______ ?

4. Three and six is n______ .

5 .S_____  it, please.     ---OK, C-U-P.


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