



一、听句子 选择符合题意的图画,并将序号写在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共5分)

(    )1

A                    B                     C

(    )2.

A                    B                      C

(    )3.

A                    B                     C

333-4865           334-3684               333-4685

(    )4.

(   )5.

二、听句子 听句子选择正确的字母或单词。(每小题1分,共5分)

(   ) 6. A. W       B. P          C.Q            D. V

(   ) 7.A. one           B. two         C five          D. zero

(   ) 8. A. book          B. watch       C. notebook     D. eraser

(   ) 9. A. Jack          B. Tom         C. Mary        D. Nick

(   ) 10. A. brother       B. sister        C. mother       D. father

三、反应 选择正确的答语,并将序号写在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共5分)

(   )11. A It’s a book.    B. Yes, it is.      C. My name’s Tom.    D. I’m OK.

(   ) 12. A. P-E-N.       B. No, it isn’t.    C. Fine, thanks.       D. It’s a ruler.

(   ) 13.A. It’s a pencil.   B. It’s a yellow.   C. It’s yellow.        D. Yes, it is.

(   ) 14. A. Yes, it is.     B. 13945627847   C. Thanks.          D. B-O-O-K

(   ) 15. A. Yes, it is.     B. Yes, she is.     C. No, he isn’t.       D. He’s my brother.

四、听选信息 你将听到的是吉娜的自我介绍,请你根据所听到的内容,选择正确的信息完成表格内容。(每小题1分,共5分)

(   )16.What’s her first name? A. Jenny         B. Alice       C. Gina

(   )17.What’s her family name? A. Green        B. Brown      C. Hand

(   )18.What’s her favorite color? A. yellow        B. blue        C. green

(   )19.What’s her phone number? A. 323-4075     B.233-4705     C.323-4705

(   )20.Who(谁)is her good friend? A. Gina         B .Jenny        C. Kim

第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节, 满分25分)

第一节 语法和词汇(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)

从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

(一) 单项选择

从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

21. ---__________?   ----- It’s an apple.

A. What’s this?      B. What color is it?

C. How are you?     D . Are you OK?

22. --- What color is it?  ---________?

A. It’s yellow.       B. its yellow.

C. it’s yellow.       D. It’s a car.

23. --- Nice to meet you!  ----_______________.

A. That’s all right.           B. Nice to meet you!

C. Nice to meet you, too.     D. Fine, thank you.

24. ---How ____ Jim?    ----He is OK. Thanks.

A. does        B. am        C. is         D. are

25. Dale has(有) a pen. _____ pen is blue.

A. The        B. A         C. An         D. /

26.—Where ______ my shoes, Mom ?

—I don’t know.

A. are   B. am   C. is   D. do

27.—I want to play soccer. ______ you have a soccer  ball?

—Yes, I ______.

A. are, am   B. Do, don’t  C. Did, am D. Do, do

28. —Are those your parents?


A. Yes, those are.     B. No, they aren’t.

C. No, those aren’t.     D. Yes, these are.

29. —______?

— No, it’s on the sofa.

A. Is the ruler in your pencil case  B. Where is your ruler

C. What color is your backpack  D. Is this your rulerxkb1.com

30. —-What’s your telepho ne number?


A. Please call me.     B. Sorry, I don’t know.

C. I have a telephone.    D. It’s 535-2375.

31. Please ______ Alice ______ 638-3265437.

A. girl, at   B. call, to   C. call, at  D. telephone, for

32. —What’s this ______ English?

—It’s ______ orange.

A. in, in   B. an, an   C. in, an  D. an, in


— B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K.

A. Is this a backpack     B. what’s that

C. Can you spell “backpack”   D. How do you spell “backpack”

34.—Is this ______ pencil?

—No, it’s not ______ pencil.

A. you, his  B. my, you  C. your, she  D. your, my

35. ______ your sister ______ potatoes?

A. Do, likes  B. Does, likes  C. Does, like  D. Do, like

36.The girl’s name is Jane Smith. Jane is her______ name.

A. first   B. last   C. family   D. full

37.—This is a sharpener. And what’s ______?

—It’s an eraser.

A. it    B. those   C. that   D. it’s

38.—Hi, Sally. Thanks _______ your help.

—You’re welcome.

A. for   B. at    C. in    D. on

39. Please ______ these things to your friends. Th ey’re at school.

A. take   B. look   C. need   D. call

40.—Does your brother have a volleyball?

—______. But he has a ping-pong ball.

A. Yes, he does     B. Yes, she does

C. No, she doesn’t     D. No, he doesn’t

(二)完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)


Dear Duola,

Can you bring some things to school for Feifei and me? I  41  my watch, keys, notebook, hat  42  my school ID card. The watch is on the table. The keys are  43  the drawer. The notebooks are on the desk. The hat is on  44  bed in my room. But  45  is my school ID card? Sorry, I can’t remember(记得). Maybe (也许)it’s in my bag or on the desk. Please take   46  things to Feifei:  47  hat and ID card.  48   are in his backpack. If you can’t find them, please   49  us at 78654321. This is my English teacher’s telephone

50  .

41. A. call   B. need   C. spell   D. know

42. A. and   B. or    C. but   D. so

43. A. in   B. at    C. for   D. of

44. A. these  B. an   C. the   D. /

45. A. when  B. what color  C. what   D. where

46. A. they  B. these   C. this   D. that

47. A. yo ur  B. her   C. his    D. my

48. A. They  B. It    C. He   D. She

49. A. answer  B. make   C. call   D. have

50. A.name  B. card   C. number  D. address

第三部分 阅读理解(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。



A new watch is lost. It’s black with a Mickey Mouse on it.

Call Xiao Yu at 580-3302.


A schoolbag is found. Four books and a pencil case are in it.

Is it your schoolbag? Please call Liu Xing at 303-1110.


Some keys are found in the classroom. Are they your keys? Call Kelsey at 535-0083.


Lost: My school ID card.

My name is Lin Xu.

51. Xiao Yu lost _______.

A. a watch   B. a schoolbag  C. some books  D. a pencil case

52. Maria’s schoolbag is lost. She should(应该) call __________.

A. 686-6034  B. 535-0083  C. 303-1110  D. 580-3302

53. What’s in the schoolbag?

A. Books.   B. A pencil case. C. A set of keys. D. A and B.

54. A boy lost some keys. He should call _________.

A. 303-1110   B. 535-0083  C. 686-6034  D. 580-3302

55. Whose school ID card is lost?

A. Wang Ya’s.  B. Kelsey’s.  C. Liu Xing’s.  D. Lin Xu’s.


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