


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇七年级英语寒假作业练习,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!


(   )1.    you Sue Green ? No .My name       Join Smith .

A.Are  is   B .Is am    C . I  is  D .Are  am

(   )2.  Are you Wei Hua ?              .

A.Yes ,you are  B Yes ,I am . C .Yes ,I’m .D  No, I am .

(   )3 .How old are     ?          am twelve .

A you; I  B . I ; I   C . I ; you D .you; you

(   )4 .I’m      Chinese pupil and Tom is     English boy .

A .a ; an  B . a ; a  C  .an ; a   D . an ; an

(   )5.       Lily and Lucy speak Chinese ?

A. can   B.  Can   C. does  D .is

(   )6.  My cat is only                    .

A . two years B.  two year C.  two years old D. two year old .

( )7. ---How old is your aunt ?    ---                      .

A She is a teacher . B She is fine . C .She is fifty . D. She is OK.

(   )8 . ---What’s your favourite food ?     --- ______________

A. Ball games . B. Rice  .C. Computer .  D. Math .

(   )9  ---              ?   ---Yes ,he can .

A.  Does he like football ?  B. What can he do ?

C.  Can he play the piano ?  D. Is he a good boy ?

(   )10  Where are you from ?                  .

A . I’m a boy .  B.  I’m China . C.  I like China .D. China .

(   )11 Tom       football .

A. can  B.  do  C.  plays  D.  play

(   )12 What      these ? They       books .

A . are ; are  B. is; are  C.  am ; is  D.  are ;am

(   )13.What colour           the  chair  and  the desks?

A. is  B. has  C . have  D  .are

(   )14.This is         computer.          is over there.

A. his  ,My  B his .His  C  .his ; Mine  D. him ; Me

(   )15.           teacher  is  from  Tianjin.

A .They     B . Them    C. Their    D .We


1、Welcome  back  to school, this is our  first  l        .

2. Nice  to  m        you .

3.I’m  t         (12)years  old  this  year .

4.We  are  form  China , so we  are  C             .

5.Please don’t  o        the  door . Close  the  door .

6.Beijing  and  Shanghai  are  big  c         in  China .

7.Tom  is  form  E           ,so  he  is  English .

8.In  Chinese ,Yang  is  Yang  LiWei’s  f           name .

9.----Can  you  s          English ?   ------Yes,  I  can .

10.---Can  you  r         a  bike ?     ------No,  I  can’t .


1.My  favourite  sport  is  basketball .(对划线部分提问)

favourite sport ?

2.Wang  Fang  is  thirteen  years  old . (对划线部分提问)

is  Wang  Fang ? http://www .xkb1. com

3.Jackie  Chan  is  form  China .   (对划线部分提问)

Jackie  Chan  form ?

4.There  are  ten  books  on  the desk . (对划线部分提问)

books                    ?

5.They can play the piano.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)

-----                       play  the  piano ?

-----No,                        .

6.How  is  the  weather  in  Beijing ?(改为同义句)

in  Beijing .

7.The  book  is  on  the  desk . (对划线部分提问)


8.The  trees  are  green .  (对划线部分提问)

the  trees ?

9.What’s  this  ? (改为复数)


10.Her  borther  is  a student .(改为一般疑问句)



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