



A. 听力部分(20分)


(    ) 1. A.    B.      C.

(    ) 2. A.    B.      C

(    ) 3. A.     B.      C.

(    ) 4. A.    B.    C.

(    ) 5. A.   B.       C.


(    )6.What class is Alice in?

A. In Class Two.  B. In Class Five.   C. I don’t know.

(    )7.Are those pens?

A. Yes, they are.  B. They are pens.  C. No, they aren’t.

(    )8.Where is the ruler?

A. In the backpack.  B. On the desk.         C. On the sofa.

(    )9.Whose English book is this?

A. It’s Jim’s.      B. It’s the teacher’s    C. It’s Mary’s.

(    )10. What color is the chair?

A. It’s a white chair.     B. C-H-A-I-R, chair.  C. It’s yellow.



(    )11.What’s under the chair?

A. A dictionary           B. An ID card          C. A hat

(    )12.What’s the number on the card?

A. 34098527             B. 40389275           C. 43098275


(    )13.What is Jack’s last name?

A. Smith                B. Hand               C. Brown

(    )14.What color is the watch?

A. Red                  B. White              C. Yellow

(    )15.What is Gina’s telephone number?

A. 604-8739              B.604-2035           C.763-2530


(     ) 16. How many people are mentioned(提到)?

A. Five.                   B. Six.                 C. Seven.

(     ) 17. _________ is in Class Two.

A. Jimmy.                 B. Tony.               C. Mike.

(     ) 18. Jimmy is a(n) _________ boy.

A. China.                  B. Chinese.             C. English.

(     ) 19. What’s Jimmy’s telephone number?

A. 826 677 12.              B. 826 377 12.          C. 826 388 21.

(     ) 20._______ like baseball.

A. Jimmy and Tony.       B. Tony and Mike.         C. Mike and Jimmy.

B. 笔试部分(100分)


(     )1.There is ______ “b” and _______“s” in the word “bookcase”.

A. a; an         B. an; a          C. a; a          D. an; an

(     )2._________,where’s the classroom?

A. Pardon       B. I’m sorry       C. Excuse me    D. Thank you

(     )3.----Is your name Grace ?    ---- _________________.

A. Yes, I’m.      B. No, I’m not.    C. Yes, it is.     D. Yes, I am.

(     )4. Hi. This is __________ new teacher.  _________ name is Linda and the bag is _______. X k B  1 . c o  m

A. your; My; hers  B. his; Your; she  C. your; Her; hers  D. her; His; her

(     )5. Wow! ________ a lovely dog.  Do you know ________ name ?

A. is’s; it’s       B. It’s; its         C. Its; it’s        D. It’s; It’s

(     )6. Where _________ his new CD and computer game?

A. is            B. are            C. can           D. isn’t

(     )7. I am _______ Mum and Dad in the picture.

A. in            B. next           C. between       D. in

(     )8. ----______ he have a tennis ball ?  ---- No, he _________.

A. Do; doesn’t    B. Does; do       C. Does; doesn’t   D. does; does

(     )9. ---- Well, let’s go to visit the amusement park (参观游乐园) this Saturday.

---- That ______ great.

A. sounds        B. feels           C. look           D. are

(     )10.Those are _________.

A. their box     B.  their boxes    C. they boxes      D. they box

(     )11. Look! Here _______ Kate and Lily.

A. be            B. am            C.is              D. are

(     )12. This is _________  family photo.

A. Kate          B. Kate’s         C. of Kate         D. of Kate’s

(     )13.Please call Bob _________495-3539.

A. in            B. on             C. at             D. of

(     )14.Look! Some beautiful birds (鸟) are ______ the tree.

A. at            B. on             C. for            D. in

(     )15.---- Are these your _______? ---- Yes, they’re my uncle’s sons.

A. sisters        B. cousin          C. cousins         D. brother

(     )16. ----Your jacket is very nice. ----______________.

A. Oh, no.no.                       B. Thank you

C. My jacket is not nice.              D. You’re welcome.

(     )17. They like ______ after school.

A. play the basketball                B. play basketball

C. to play the basketball              D. to play basketball

(     )18. I’m Kate Green. My _______ name is Kate. My ________ name is Green.

A. first; family    B. last; first        C. family; first     D. family; last

(     )19.找出下列单词中划线部分发音不同于其他三个的词

A. name         B have            C. game          D. cake

(     )20, The underlined part (划线部分) in the word “keys”is  pronounced(发音为)_____.

A. /i:/           B. /ei/             C. / e/            D. /i/

二、完形填空 (10分)

I’m  ____1_____ English. My name ____2_____ Lily. I’m a new student. I’m twelve. Now I’m in Class Three, ___3_____, No.5 Middle School. My teacher is Miss Green. I have a sister. ___4____ name is Lucy. We are twins. We ____5_____ the same. She is___6___ a different(不同的) school.

I’m ____7____ duty(值日) this morning. I can’t look after my sister. At school I help my teacher put(放) her book, map and pictures on her ___8_____. I tell my teacher everyone is here. But I’m ___9_____. Jim is not at school. I don’t ____10______ where he is. I think he is at home.

(     )1. A. a           B. /            C. an           D.the

(     )2.A.am          B.is            C. are           D.be

(     )3.A.Grade One    B. Grade one    C. grade one      D. grade One

(     )4. A. Hers        B. Her’s        C. Her           D. She

(     )5. A. put         B. see          C. look          D. ask

(     )6. A. on         B.in             C.at              D. of

(     )7. A. on          B. in           C. at              D. of

(     )8. A. chair       B. book          C. bed            D. desk

(     )9. A. right(对)  B. good         C. wrong(错)      D.OK

(     )10. A.do         B. know         C. thank          D. think


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