


威廉希尔app 为大家搜集整理了初一英语寒假作业(人教版带答案),希望大家可以用心去做,不要只顾着玩耍哦!

第Ⅰ卷  听力部分 (15分)

Ⅰ.听句子, 选择与其意思相符的图片 (有两幅多余图片)(5分)

1.We have a Music Festival at school every year.

2.They're very happy at Mary's birthday party.

3.Do you have a basketball game in May?

4.When is the English speech contest?

5.We have a school trip every term.

1.______  2.______  3.______  4.______  5.______

Ⅱ.听对话, 选出与对话内容相符的选项 (5分)

M:Hello, Linda!How old are you?

W:I'm ten years old.

6.A. Linda is ten years old.

B.Linda is twelve years old.

C.Linda is eleven years old.

M:Do you have a  School Day at your school, Gina?

W:No, we don't.

7.A.There is no School Day at Gina's school.

B.There is a School Day at Gina's school.

C.The School Day at Gina's school is October 20th.

M:Hi, Alice!When is Bill's birthday party?

W:It's October fifteenth.

8.A.Bill's birthday is October fifteenth.

B.Bill's birthday is October fifth.

C.Alice's birthday is October fifteenth.

W:Hello, Eric!Is your brother twelve years old?

M:No.He is thirteen years old.I'm twelve years old.

9.A.Eric is thirteen years old.

B.Eric's brother is twelve years old.

C.Eric's brother is thirteen years old.

M:When is the Art Festival, Sandy?

W:It's May 19th.How about your Art Festival,Tony?

M:It's October 20th.

10.A.Sandy has an Art Festival on May 19th.

B.Tony has an school trip on May 19th.

C.Sandy has an school trip on October 20th.

Ⅲ.听短文, 完成表格 (5分)

My English teacher is Cindy Brown.She is from England.Her Chinese name is Zhang Li.She is 36 years old.Her birthday is July 21st.She likes red.Look!Her sweater and hat are red.

My math teacher is Bill Miller.He is from America.His Chinese name is Gong Wei.He is only 24 years old.His birthday is September 9th.He doesn't like blue.He likes black.His clothes are all black.

My Chinese teacher is Tan Mei.She is from Shanghai.Her English name is Tina.She is 25 years old.Her birthday is August 17th.Her mother buys a green T­shirt for her.She likes it very much.Look!Her pants are green, too.Miss Tan likes green.

Information card

Chinese Name English name Age Birthday Favorite color From

Zhang Li Cindy Brown thirty­six 13.______ 14.______ England

Gong Wei Bill Miller twenty­four September 9th black 15.___ ___

Tan Mei 11.______ 12.______ August 17th green Shanghai

第Ⅱ卷  笔试部分(85分)


16.—______are you?

—I'm twelve.

A.How    B.How old   C.How much    D.What

17.Jim is ten.I'm ten, too.We are the same (相同的)______.

A.old    B.age    C.date     D.birthday

18.Today is my mother's ______ birthday.

A.forty    B.the forty   C.the fortieth    D.fortieth

19 .______father is a teacher.

A.Lucy and Lily       B.Lucy and Lily's

C.Lucy's and Lily's       D.Lucy's and Lilyxkb1.com

20.There are twenty­eight or twenty­nine days in ______.

A.January     B.February   C.November    D.December

21.Christmas (圣诞节) is the ______ of Jesus Christ.

A.date     B.day    C.time     D.birthday

22.—______is the school trip?


A.When;In    B.What;On  C.Where;In    D.When;On

23.The gir l is ______.Today is her ______ birthday.

A.twentieth;twenty      B.twenty;twenty

C.twentieth;twentieth     D.twenty;twentieth

24.—Do you have an Art Festival at your school?

—______.We have it every year.

A.No, we don't       B.Sorry, I don't know

C.Yes, we do       D.OK

25.—How many ______ are there in a year?


A.month;six         B.months;Twelve

C.months;Four        D.months;the twelfth


The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year's Day.It usually __26__ in January or February.

Everyone in __27__ likes the Spring Festival very much.When the Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually __28__ his parents clean their house and do some __29__ and other housework.

__30__ that day __31__ in China eats __32__, New Year's cake and some other __33__ food.Li Lei likes New Year's cake, bu t Wang Lin doesn't.The Chinese people __34__ the New Year's cake and jiaozi in their houses.__35__ happy they are!

26.A.come    B.gets   C.comes     D.goes

27.A.America    B.China  C.England     D.Australia

28.A.asks     B.tells   C.takes     D.helps

29.A.cleaning    B.fishing  C.reading     D.shopping

30.A.On     B.In   C.Of      D.At

31.A.everyone    B.someone  C.no one     D.everything

32.A.eggs     B.meat   C. jiaozi     D.mooncakes

33.A.nice     B.old   C.big      D.best

34.A.eat     B.does   C.buy     D.sell

35.A.Much    B.Very   C.What     D.How



Do you know Jin Mincan?He is a boy from South Korea(韩国).He is eight years old and his birthday is August 31st.Boys and girls like to call him Cancan.Cancan likes eating.He likes red,too.At his home,you can see lots of red clothes.

Cancan's family is not small.In his family there are five people.They are Cancan,his father,mother,brother and sister.Cancan's brother is Jin Mingzai.He's six years old.His birthday is May 1st.His sister is Jin Mingzhi.She's only four years old.Her birthday is January 21st.In South Korea,Can can has a  good friend.Her name is Huang Enhui.Enhui and Cancan are great stars in South Korea.

36.What's Jin Mincan' s age?

A.Four.     B.Five.    C.Seven.     D.Eight.

37.When is Jin Mincan's birthday?

A.May 1st.    B.January 21st.  C.August 31st.    D.September 2nd.

38.What color does Jin Mincan like?

A.Green.     B.Yellow.   C.Blue.     D.Red.

39.We don't know______ age.

A.Jin Mincan's    B.Jin Mingzai's  C.Jin Mingzhi's   D.Huang Enhui's

40.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Huang Enhui is a great star.

B.Jin Mingzhi and Huang Enhui are good friends.

C.Huang Enhui is  Jin Mincan's cousin.

D.There are four people in Jin Mincan's family.


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