初一上学期英语辅导练习题:Unit 4:Seasons



英语是我们除母语外又学习的第二语言,因此英语对我们来说也是非常重要的,下面威廉希尔app 为大家整理了初一上学期英语辅导练习题,希望大家可以通过这个练习来检验自己。



1. go swimming __________ 9. 去海边 __________

2. fly kites __________ 10. 去野餐 __________

3. take a trip __________ 11. 春节 __________

4. have a picnic ___________ 12. 和某人一起度过__________

5. make snowmen __________ 13. 变绿___________

6. start doing sth __________ 14. 变暖 __________

7. blow gently __________ 15. 在春天 _________

8. have a lot of fun __________ 16. 在一年的这个时候 __________


1.The rain has stopped and the sun is shining.

A.giving out light B.showing C.polishing D. glowing

2.He doesn’t spend much time on his homework.

A.use;for B.take;to C.cost;for D. offer;to

3.I don’t like autumn because it’s dry.

A.hot B.wet C.not wet D. cool

4.My Maths teacher is always friendly to others.

A.good B.bad C.kind D. close

5.You must do everything carefully.

A.all things B.things C.some things D. any things


1. It snowed yesterday, e_________ is covered with the white snow outside now.

2. We will take a t__________ to America this summer.

3. After the rain, the sun comes out and shines b__________

4. Did he _________ the whole day doing homework with his mother ?

5. Winter is often cold and s_________, but I like it most.

6. Which s_________ do you like best, spring, summer, autumn, or winter ?

7. Many people like to go to the b________ and swim in the sea.

8. My home is half a k_________ away from here.

9. Leaves t__________ yellow in autumn.

10.The w_________ is hot in summer.

11.It is very______________(湿润的) on the ground. People are easy to fall over.

12.He lives in a small____________(镇)and he is very poor.

13.It is very cold. And the wind_______________(吹)strongly.

14.It is always __________(干燥的)in the north-west of China.

15.__________________(在...期间)this holiday. I visited two foreign countries


1. It’s cold and __________(snow) in December.

2. I usually go _________(swim) with some frends in summer.

3. Even as the sun was shining _______(bright), it began to rain.

4. In winter, I can skate, ski and make _______(snowman).

5. It is ______(interest) to play on the beach.


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