


大家把理论知识复习好的同时,也应该要多做题,从题中找到自己的不足,及时学懂,下面是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初一下期末试题辅导大全,希望对大家有帮助。

(    ) 5. What is the man’s T-shirt made?

A. It’s made in Nanjing.      B. it’s made of cotton.    C. it’s made of wool.

(    ) 6. When does Jacky run?

A. In the morning.        B. In the afternoon.     C. In the evening.

(    ) 7. Where are they?

A. In a bookshop.       B. In a museum.       C. In a library.

(    ) 8. What’s Simon’s telephone number?

A.74802284.        B. 74802824.         C. 74820824.

(    ) 9. Which floor is Lily’s classroom on?

A. On the sixth floor.     B. On the ninth floor.    C. On the tenth floor

(    )10. How often does Tom write to his penfriend?

A. Once a year.          B. Once a month.       C. Once a week.

B) 听对话和短文回答问题(听两遍)


(    ) 1l. What day is it today?

A. Friday.        B.Sunday        C. Saturday.

(    ) 12.Why does the girl care about tomorrow’s weather?

A. Because she wants to fly to another city.

B. Because she wants to visit her good friends.

C. Because she wants to fly kites in the park.


Nick’s family

from Nick is from England

subject Nick’s favourite subject is  13

sports Nick likes   14  best

family There are   15   people in Nick’s family

(    ) 13. A. Maths     B. English     C. Chinese

(    ) 14. A. running       B. swimming    C. skating

(    ) 15. A. 5      B.7      C.9


(    ) 16.When did the girl find the rabbit?

A. Last Christmas Day.     B. Last National Day.   C. Last New Year’s Day

(    ) 17. Who didn’t let her keep the rabbit at first?

A. Her teacher.         B. Her parents.        C. Her grandma.

(    ) 18. How many brothers and sisters does she have?

A. One.           B. None.             C. Two.

(    ) 19. How does she feel when she’s with the rabbit?

A. Happy.        B. Sad.         C. Angry.

(    ) 20. What does the girl wish her parents to do?

A. To sell it.        B. To treat it kindly.        C. To kill it.


(    ) 21. — My son seldom has        breakfast.

— It is         unhealthy habit. You must ask him to change it.

A. /; an          B. the; an          C. /; a          D. the; a

(    ) 22. — Here are three books on history. Which one would you like to borrow?

一______. You see, I’m interested in geography these days.

A. All        B. None          C. Both          D. Each

(    ) 23. —  Shall we listen to Sun of the Season again?

—  Yes. How soft and beautiful it _______!

A. listens         B. hears          C. looks       D. sounds

(    ) 24. My uncle’s dog was in the garden. I saw him _______ under the tree.

A. to lie            B. lying        C. lied       D. is lying

(    ) 25. — Have you got the __________news about the World Cup?

— Yes, I’m so ______ because  my favourite team  has won  again.

A. exciting; exciting           B. excited; excited

C. exciting; excited            D. excited; exciting

(    ) 26. —______weather! Shall we go to the park?    —_____. Let’s go.

A. What a fine; Sounds great          B. What fine; Sounds great

C. What a fine; You’re right           D. What fine; You are right

(    ) 27. — Can you____ a tent by yourself ?   —Sorry . It’s a little difficult for me.

A. put on         B. put up      C. put down      D. put out

(    ) 28. — Dad, why should I stop ______ computer games?

— For your health, my boy, I’m afraid you ______.

A. to play; must             B. playing; have to

C. to play; can              D. playing; may

(    ) 29. — How much do you usually ______ on food and clothes every month?

— About ¥600.

A. take     B. cost     C. spend      D. pay

(    ) 30. Look! There are           people in the supermarket.

A. two thousands of    B. thousand of   C. two thousand of   D. thousands of

(    ) 31. — Summer holiday is coming ! _______ will you go to Hainan for a trip ?

— In a few weeks.

A. How long   B. How far    C. How soon     D. How often

(    ) 32. —Excuse me! You can’t take photos here.Look at the sign. It says “NO PHOTOS”.

— Sorry,I _________ see it and I _______ do it.

A. didn’t; won’t  B. don’t; won’t  C. won’t; won’t   D. don’t; don’t

(    ) 33. Is the computer          ? We don’t have          to buy it .

A. enough cheap , enough money       B. cheap enough , enough money

C. enough cheap , money enough       D. cheap enough , money enough

(    ) 34. There’s          milk in the fridge. Let’s go to buy some .

A. a little      B. little      C. a few      D. few

(    ) 35. — I visited the Purple Mountain Observatory last Sunday.

—             Why didn’t you tell me earlier?

A. You did?     B. I hope so.    C. Have a good time. D. It’s kind of you.


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