



1. an accidental invention 一个偶然的发明

2. by accident 偶然,意外

3. It is said that ... 据说。。。

It is reported that ... 据报道。。。

It is believed that ... 人们相信。。。/据说。。。

4. A Chinese ruler 一位中国统治者

5. over an open fire 在篝火上

6. produce a nice smell 发出一阵好闻的味道

7. in this way 就这样,以这种方式

8. ‘the saint of tea’ 茶圣

9. be used to do sth 被用来做。。。(be used to doing sth 习惯于。。。)

10. be brought to sw 被带到某地

11. all of a sudden = suddenly 猛然,突然

12. not ...until ...直到。。。才。。。(Tea didn’t appear until around 1660.直到1660年茶才出现)

13. take place 发生 (指某事按计划发生);举行; (此单词没有被动语态)

Great changes have taken place in China.

The meeting will take place next Friday.

14. spread sth to sw 把。。。传播到某地

15. around the world = all over the world 全世界



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