



Section A

Section A

(Michael and Kangkang are in the Science Museum.)( 迈克尔和康康在科学博物馆里。)

Kangkang, who is the first Chinese to travel into space? 康康,谁是中国太空旅行第一人呢?

Yang Liwei. He is our national hero who traveled around the earth in Shenzhou Ⅴ for 21 hours in 2003. China is the third nation that sent a person into space. 杨利伟。他是在2003年乘坐神州五号围绕地球21小时的民族英雄。中国成为了第三个将人送入太空的国家。

Wonderful! All of you must be very proud. 太好啦!你们一定都很自豪吧!

Of course we are. What’s more, we have launched another four spaceships in the past few years. 我们当然自豪啦。另外,在过去几年里,我们已经发射了另外四艘宇宙飞船。

That’s great! It proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. 听起来真棒!这表明中国在航天工业方面已经取得了巨大进步。

That’s right. I’m sure that China will send more spaceships into space. 对。我确信中国将会把更多的宇宙飞船发射到太空中去。

Look, what a large crowed! Let’s go and see. 看!那儿有那么多人!咱们去看看。

Wow! Chang’e Ⅰ. It’s a spaceship which was launched as China’s first lunar probe. I hope I can travel to the moon one day. 哇!嫦娥一号,它是中国第一个月球探测器,我希望有朝一日我可以到月球上旅行。

I think your dream will be realized in the future. 我想将来的梦想会实现的。

Section B

(Kangkang is asking Mr. Brown something about spaceships.)(康康正在询问布朗老师有关宇宙飞船的事情。)

Spaceships are so amazing! Mr. Brown, could you please tell me some recent spaceship developments? 宇宙飞船太神奇了!布朗老师,请您给我讲一些近来宇宙飞船的发展情况好吗?

OK. Spaceships which now mainly use electronic controls used to be controlled by astronauts. 好。现在用电子控制的宇宙飞船过去是由宇航员控制的。

But how do they work? 但是他们如何工作呢?

Astronauts use computers to control the speed and direction of their spaceships, even the temperature. 宇航员用电脑控制宇宙飞船的速度和方向,甚至控制其内部的温度。

Perfect! But I know so little about computer technology. 太了不起了!但是我对电脑技术只了解一点点。

It’s important to master computer technology. So I advise you to discover new ways to make computers serve us better. 掌握电脑技术是非常重要的,因此我建议你去寻找新的方法,让电脑更好地为我们服务。

Good idea. Thanks for your introduction, Mr. Brown. I think that if I work hard then nothing is impossible. 好主意。谢谢您的介绍,布朗老师。我认为只要我努力学习,没有什么是不可能的。



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