




1. tired 累的        tiring 令人疲惫的

bored 讨厌       boring 令人厌烦/讨厌的

excited 兴奋的    exciting 令人兴奋/激动的

amazed 惊讶的    amazing 令人惊讶的

2. education n. 教育  educational 有教育意义的

3. 想要做…:would like to do

想要…:would like sth.


What would you like to do? 你想要做什么?

I would like to visit GuiLin. 我想去参观桂林。

What would you like ?  你想要什么?

I would like some tea. 我想来些茶。

Would you like to go to my party? 你来不来参加我的晚会?

(表邀请) Yes, I’d love/ like to . No, thanks.

Would you like some tea or coffee? 你是要点茶还是咖啡?

Yes, I’d love/ like. No. thanks.

Where would you like to visit/ go? 你想去哪呢?(本单元的重点句型)

4.  go on vacation 去度假

go on a trip 去旅行

go on a picnic 去野炊

5.  hope to do 希望做某事 I hope to go to Beijing. 我希望去北京。

hope (that) + 从句  希望….

I hope that I can go to Beijing.我希望我能去北京。

I hope (that) she can pass the test.我希望她能通过考试。

6. I love places where the people are friendly. 我喜欢人们友好的地方。

where 关系副词,引导定语从句

where引导定语从句修饰表示地点的先行词如:the place, the city等

That is the school where I studied 10 years ago. 那就是我10年前所就读的学校。

7. 不定代词   参看课本P141


8. consider doing考虑做某事

I am considering changing my job. 我正在考虑换工作。

9. cost (sb.) 钱、时间  The book cost me 10 yuan 这本书花了我10元。

10. in general 一般来说, 大体上, 通常

11. be supposed to do 应该做…. === should  如:

Scientists are supposed to know a lot. 科学家们应该知道更多。

12. take a trip 去旅行

13. provide sb. with sth 供应某人某物=== provide sth for sb.

如:They provide us with water.

They provide water for us.

14. how far 问路程 多远(20 kilometers , five munites’ walk)

how old 问年龄 多少岁(13 years old)

how long 问时间 多久;多长(since, for)

how often 问频率 多久一次(sometimes, often, 3 times a day, every day)

15. be away 离开 如:

I was away 2days ago. 我两天前离开了。

I will be away for a few days. 我将离开一些天。

16. inexpensive  adj. 不贵的  反义词 expensive adj. 贵的

17.  let sb. do 让某人做某事 Let me help you.让我帮你吧。

let sb. not do 让某人不要做某Let us not laugh. 让我们不要笑了。

18. in the future 将来

She will a good mother in the future. 在将来她将会是一个好妈妈。

19. 用to 表示 “的”有:

answers to question 问题的答案

the key to the door 这扇门的钥匙

20. as soon as possible 尽可能的快

21. continue doing == go on doing 继续做某事 如:

She continued singing. == She went on singing. 她继续唱歌。

22. according to 根据

23. be willing to do 愿意做某事 如:

I am willing to help you. 我愿意帮你。

24. on the other hands 另一方面

25. hold on to sth. 保持,不要放弃

Please hold on to my hand. 不要放开我的手。

26. come true 实现 如:

My dream have come true. 我的梦实现了。

27.through  穿过 含有“in”的意思 across 横过  含有“on”的意思

28. Some day=someday 只指将来某一天

one day 既可指将来某一天,也可指过去某一天。

28. Plan 计划打算(1) plan to do sth

We are planning to visit London this summer  /Do plan to stay late?

(2) 跟名词或者代词    Have you planned your trip?

We have been planning this visit for months.

(3) plan for 为…做计划He planned for a picnic if the next day were fine.

(4) plan on 打算有(做某事)She had not planned on so many guests.

They are planning on an/for an outing.



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