




1. You have to be careful.你得小心。 疑点:be careful“小心,当心”

如:Be careful while crossing the road.过马路要小心。

难点:be careful后常跟of短语。与它同义的有look out。

如:Aren’t you a bit too careful of your health?你对个人的健康难道不是有点过于小心了吗?

Look out!There’s danger ahead.当心!前面有危险。

2. At times an ad can lead you to buy something you don’t need at all.有时广告可能导致你买你根本不需要的东西。

疑点:at times= sometime,是副词性短语,表示事物发生的频率。

如:He is late for school at times.他有时上学迟到。

难点:1)对含有at times的短语进行提问时,用How soon.

如:How soon does he go to school late?At times.

2)句中lead意为“使得、导致”,常用于短语lead sb. to do sth.“导致某人做某事”

如:What leads you to think so?

3.Soft lighting makes people look good,but it make food look bad.柔和的光线使人的脸色看上去很好看,但使食物看起来很难看。

疑点:look good/bad意思为“外表的颜色看起来好看/难看”

如:The traffic accident made him look bad.

难点:look fine/ well指看起来身体健康

如:You look better today than yesterday.你今天看上去比昨天好多了。

3. It makes me want to join a clean-up campaign.这让我想加入一次清扫大运动。


如:The next year he joined the union.第二年他加入了工会。


如:She joined her husband in his study.她与她的丈夫一块从事他的研究。

难点:与join意思相近的短语take part in也表示“参加……”,take an active part in积极参加。它侧重于参加某项活动或运动。

如:Do you take an active part in sports?你积极参加体育活动吗?

4. For instance,they can help you to compare two different products so that you can buy the one you really need.


疑点:for instance相当于for example 意思为“例如”

如:He likes all kinds of sports, for instance he likes playing soccer very much.


If we compare French schools with British schools,we will find many differences.


如:The poet compares the woman he loves to a rose.


5. If you think flowers are too feminine a gift for a man to receive,you can consider giving a plant instead.


疑点:consider doing sth. 考虑做某事

如:I’m considering changing my job.我正在考虑换工作。

难点:consider还可以加that从句,表示“考虑到…”;还可以组成短语consider sb. +n/adj, 表示“把…看作/认为…”

如:If you consider that she’s only been studying English for six months,she speaks it well. 如果考虑到她学英语才六个月,那么她讲英语讲得的确不错了。

Do you consider her suitable for the job?你认为她做这工作合适吗?


1. Rainy days make me sad.雨天使人沮丧。    make的用法

(1)make+n.make food 做饭make a plane做飞机make the bed 铺床 make money 赚钱 make sb./sth.+adj.使某人(感到),使……处于某种状态



The party made her a good teacher.党把她培养成为一名好教师.


如:Soccer makes me crazy.足球使我疯狂。

The soft music makes Tina sleepy.轻柔的音乐使Tina快睡着了。

Waiting for her made me angry.我很生气一直等着她。

可用到的形容词有:happy,pleased,surprised,angry,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,worried,anxious,excited,relaxed,stressed out,tense,calm,scared,comfortable,sick…


如: I made myself understood by all the students.

You must make yourself respected.

(3). make sb./sth.+do…使某人做某事(不能带不定式符号to)

如:Wars make the peace go away.战争使和平远离。


如:We were made to work all night.我们被迫日夜工作。

(4). make it习惯用语,及时赶到,到达目的地

如:I just made it to my class.(Unit 9)我恰好赶到班级。(arrived in time)

(5). make of /from./out of

make of 原材料制成成品后,原材料未经任何化学变化,仍保持原有性质.

如:The chair is made of wood.

make from当原材料制成成品后,经过了化学变化,失去了原有性质.

(6). make up of 常用于被动结构:be made up of…相当于consist of…(由……组成)

make up from 由…..所制造

如:A car is made up of many different parts.

She wore a necklace made up from gold coins.她戴着一串由金币制成的项链.

2.…but don’t really tell you anything about the quality of the product.但没有真正告诉你有关产品质量的任何问题。

tell sb. about sth.“告诉某人有关某事”,tell sb. sth.“告诉某人某事”。

如:The granny told us about a thief breaking into her house.

Tell me where you live.告诉我你住在哪儿。?

3. They also have to know how to make money.他们还必须知道如何赚钱。

(1)know how to do 其中的不定式带有疑问词。

know what to do 知道做什么。这一句式可以改为复合句,上句也可为:

They also have to know how they can make money.

又如:Please tell me when we should leave. =Please tell me when to leave.


(2)make money/earn money挣钱

如:His father makes /earns a lot of money as a pilot.他父亲当飞机驾驶员挣钱很多。

4. However,some advertising can be confusing or misleading.


(1)confuse v.使迷惑;confusing adj令人迷惑的;confusedadj.迷惑的,糊涂的

如:Waking up in strange surroundings confused her.她醒来时看到一片陌生的环境,这把她搞糊涂了。

The instructions are very confusing and I can’t understand them.这些指示莫名其妙,我没有办法理解

He gets confused easily.他很容易被弄糊涂。

(2)mislead v.使某人想错/做错,误导;misleading adj.令人受误导的

如:a misleading description/advertisement误导人的描述(广告)

5. Be sure to follow your host’s suggestions.务必要遵从主人的暗示或提议。

(1)be sure to别忘了,记住

如:Be sure to turn everything off before you go to bed.别忘了睡觉之前关上各样东西。

(2)be sure to do一定会……的,必定会发生的。

如:It’s sure to rain. 必定会下雨。

(3)be sure of 对……有把握。

如:He’s sure of living to ninety.他对活到90岁很有信心。




如:(1)We call him Jim.我们叫他吉姆。

(2)Whom do you think of me? 你以为我是谁?

(3)Please keep the room clean.请保持室内清洁。

(4)He found her out.他发现她出去了。

(5)She found the book interesting.她认为这本书很有意思。

(6)You’d better have your shoes mended.你还是请人把鞋补一补吧。

(7)Make yourselves at home.不要受拘束。

(8)We made him what he is.是我们使他成为现在这样。



如:(1)We found the man honest.我们发现此人很诚实。(宾补)

(2)We found the honest man.我们发现了这个诚实的人。(定语)

2)在动词elect,choose,make之后用作补语的名词,若是表示“身份,职位”则不带冠词。如:They elected Li Lei monitor last week.上周他们选李雷当班长。

3)有些动词后通常跟“to be+名词或形容词短语”作补语,但to be常省去。这些动词有:think,consider,believe,imagine,suppose,see,find,feel,etc.。

如:He thinks himself (to be) a clever man. 他认为自己很聪明。


如:We think her a nice woman.→We think that she is a nice woman.我们认为她是个很好的人。


如:I saw tears come into her eyes.→Tears were seen to come into her eyes.我看到她眼里含着泪。


如:I like to hear her sing.我喜欢听她唱歌。

I heard her singing last night.昨晚我听到她在唱歌。


1. Have you turned off your radio?你关掉收音机了吗?

疑点:turn off表示“切断、关上”之意,用于指切断电源、关上水管等。它的反义词是turn on。当关掉的东西是代词时,把代词放在中间。

如:His mother told him to turn off TV and do his homework.他母亲叫他关掉电视去做作业。

The tap is broken.If you want to save water,you must turn it off.

难点:与此相关的短语还有turn up“开大声”,turn down“关小点声”。用法同turn off/on.

如:It is too noisy. Please turn your radio down.

I can’t hear clearly. Would you please turn the tape up?

2.In the past twelve months they’ve had three major concerts and made a hit CD.在过去的12个月里他们举行了3次大型演唱会,出了一盘火暴的CD。

疑点:for/in the past/last twelve months/years/days/etc.常与现在完成时态连用。

如:(1)For the past few days he has been ill.几天来他一直生病。

(2)She has been ill for the last three days.这三个星期他在生病。

(3)In the past three years we have learned two thousand English words.



如:He has had(而不是bought)the book for three years.他已经买这本书三年了。

You have kept(不用borrow) the book for two weeks.你已经借这本书两个星期了。

3. This program started in 1980 and so far has brought thousands of overseas Chinese students to China to look for their families’roots.这个项目是1980年开始的,到目前为止已经帮助了几千名海外中国学生来中国寻根。

疑点:so far意为“到目前为止”,相当于till now/up to now,可用于句首或句末,用作状语,表示范围、程度或距离,通常作为现在完成时的时间状语出现。

如:I have read many foreign stories so far.

难点:so far as 意为“就…而论”、“到…程度”,表示程度、距离等。

如:So far as I know,he has been to Beijing many times.据我所知,他已去过北京许多次了。

4. I agree with you. 我同意你的看法。

疑点:agree with sb./sb.’s idea/ sb.’s view同意某人,同意某人的观点、想法、主意。

如:My mother doesn’t agree with my father and me.我妈妈不同意我和爸爸的想法。


(1)用于简短回答中“同意”或“赞成”。如:Chocolate is good for your health. Do you agree?

Yes,I agree./No,I don’t agree.

(2)agree to do sth同意去做某事。如:I agree to ask someone for help.我同意向别人求助。

(3)agree to sth赞成某个建议、安排等。如:He agreed to your suggestion.他赞成你的建议。

(4)agree on sth. 在……方面达成一致。如:We agree on a price for the car.我们就车价达成一致意见。

(5)agree that+从句。如:Tom’s mother agree that he went on with his study.

5.You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne.你大概从未听说过Amy Winterbourne.

疑点:hear of/about听说,接名词、代词或动名词。如:I have never heard of the story before.


如:I heard that his father died yesterday.

2)hear from=get/receive a letter from意为“收到…的信”,“得到…的消息”from后面加表示人的名词或代词

如:How often do you hear from your father?你每隔多久收到你父亲的来信?

6. The walls are made from old glass bottles that are glued together.墙是由胶合在一起的旧玻璃瓶做成的。

疑点:be made from 意思是“由… 制成”,但制成品不能看出原材料。

如:Paper is made from wood.纸是由木头制成的。

难点:be made还可以构成其他词组,注意区分。



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