九年级英语上Module 4基础测试题(外研版带答案)



学习是一个边学新知识边巩固的过程,对学过的知识一定要多加练习,这样才能进步。因此,精品编辑老师为大家整理了九年级英语上Module 4基础测试题,供大家参考。

Ⅰ. 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)

A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示写出句中所缺单词。

1. The train now standing at ________(站台) 1 is for Nanjing.

2. Please ________(关上) the door after you.

3. I remember I ________(锁) the door when I left.

4. The telephone never stopped ________(发出铃声) this morning.

5. There are more than 140 ________(乘客) on the plane.

B) 根据语境从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次。

address, actually, burn, cup, task

6. Would you like a(n) ________ of tea or coffee?

7. Can you smell something ________ in the kitchen?

8. What’s your name and ________?

9. I’m not a student. I’m a nurse, ________.

10. Our first ________ is to cook dinner for ourselves.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)


(  )11. Susan is good _______ English writing. She often helps me _______ it.

A. for; with                      B. for; in

C. at; to                      D. at; with

(  )12. We found _______ so bad at the maths competition.

A. us                         B. our

C. ours                             D. ourselves

(  )13. The girl is more active than _______ else in her class.

A. anything                    B. something

C. anybody                  D. somebody

(  )14. _______ it rained heavily yesterday, my mother went out to go shopping.

A. Although                     B. So

C. If                           D. But

(  )15. The manager gave the new _______ to move the machines to another place before 6:00 pm.

A. form                        B. dream

C. order                       D. situation

(  )16.  The streets were almost _______. There were few people and little traffic.

A. full                    B. empty

C. big                           D. small

(  )17. She’s bored. We’d better _______ her alone.

A. leave                       B. expect

C. send                        D. treat

(  )18. The man is _______ old _______ he can’t take good care of himself.

A. such; that               B. so; that

C. too; to                 D. enough; to

(  )19. Mike will have a month’s holiday. He is about _______ abroad with his family.

A. travel                     B. travelled

C. travelling               D. to travel

(  )20. I’m looking forward to visiting the new lab. I believe my wish will _______.

A. warm up                 B. hurry up

C. come true              D. come out

(  )21. It’s time to _______ the TV and go to bed.

A. turn on                    B. turn off

C. turn down              D. turn up

(  )22. Miss Smith told us we must _______ the paper before the class was over.

A. depend on                 B.  hand in

C. take up                   D. take away

(  )23. Mike made a mess of his room. His mother asked him _______.

A. tidy it up                   B. tidy them up

C. to tidy it up               D. to tide them up

(  )24. —I’m sorry that I _______ you this morning.

—Never mind.

A. shouted at                  B. shout at

C. will shout at              D. am shouting at

(  )25. —Tim went to Sanya with his parents during the last summer holidays.

—__ _____. And we met there.

A. So I do                         B. So do I

C. So I did                        D. So did I


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