


为了能帮助广大学生朋友们提高成绩和思维能力,威廉希尔app 初中频道特地为大家整理了九年级英语上册第五单元测试题,希望能够切实的帮到大家,同时祝大家学业进步!

一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)


(  )1. —Ann, your sweater ______ very beautiful.

—Thank you.

A. feels                        B. sounds       C. looks                       D. tastes

(  )2. The hotel where I stayed during the summer vacation is famous ______ its good service.

A. at                             B. for          C. in                    D. from

(  )3. Welcome to our city. Now you can see many tall buildings on ______ sides of the road.

A. each                       B. either         C. both                      D. neither

(  )4. Jill still went to school ______ she was ill yesterday.

A. even though           B. no matter         C. as long as             D. so that

(  )5. The boy with short hair ______ Little Tiger by his parents.

A. calls                         B. called          C. is calling                   D. is called

(  )6. There’s a hole in his ______, so we can see two of his fingers.

A. cap                    B. glove         C. jeans                      D. blouse

(  )7. Wang Li is a ______ young woman. She always takes an active part in all kinds of activities.

A. dangerous            B. polite          C. lively               D. lonely

(  )8. I can’t ______ the work on time. I need your help.

A. complete            B. accept         C. admire            D. require

(  )9. Mr. Smith is ______ known as a good doctor in the village, so he is busy treating his patients every day.

A. easily                B. hardly              C. wisely             D. widely

(  )10. You can hardly avoid ______ her if you work in the same office.

A. hiding                     B. meeting           C. to hide             D. to meet

(  )11. —______ is special about the museum?

—There are many ancient objects in it.

A. When                      B. How              C. What              D. Where


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