九年级英语第一单元同步练习:unit 1



九年级是一个至关重要的学年,大家一定认真复习,接下来看看威廉希尔app 为大家推荐的九年级英语第一单元同步练习,会有很大的收获哦!

一、选择填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

(    ) 1. — I’d like you to tell me something about Shennongjia.

— I’m sorry, but neither Helen nor I _________ there.

A. have been   B. has been   C. have gone   D. has gone

(    ) 2. _______ of his parents is in good health, but ______ of them work hard.

A. None; all   B. Neither; both   C. Neither; either   D. Both; neither

(    ) 3. We’re going to Hangzhou by bus. You can come with us _______ you can meet us there later.

A. but   B. so   C. and   D. or

(    ) 4. — How does your brother like the sweaters?

—_______ this sweater ________ that one are suitable for him. He likes them.

A. Either; or   B. Not only; but also   C. Both; and   D. Neither; nor

(    ) 5. My mother is _________ to listen to my long story.

A. patient enough   B. too patient   C. enough patient   D. impatient enough

(    ) 6. — It’s every body’s duty to join in the Clean Your Pate Campaign.

— Sure. We should try to ________ all the food that we’ve ordered.

A.  give up   B. eat up   C. show up   D. turn up

(    ) 7. The man is creative enough________ so many nice toys for his daughter.

A. buying   B. making   C. to buy   D. to make

(    ) 8. — Why did you vote for Sally?

— Because she is very ________ and she never shows off.

A. curious   B. modest   C. practical   D. proud

(    ) 9. Scientists are trying to ________ new ways to treat the terrible disease called H7 N9.

A. talk about   B. give up   C. come up with   D. look forward to

(    ) 10. — It’s necessary for you to take one hour’s exercise every day.

— I agree ________ you.

A. to   B. on   C. with   D. about

(    ) 11. ________ Simon _______ Kitty speaks good Chinese, so they can talk with each other in Chinese.

A. Neither; nor   B. Not only; but also   C. Both; and   D. Either; or

(    ) 12. — Sally, you wear a new dress today.

— It fits me well, _______ the colour is not my favourite.

A. and   B. but   C. so   D. or

(    ) 13. Mr Li is a kind teacher. He devotes most of his time _______ us with our lessons.

A. to help   B. to helping   C. help   D. helping

(    ) 14. — You have never been to Beijing before, have you?

— ________, I have.

A. First of all   B. As a result   C. In fact   D. By the way

(    ) 15. I can buy ________ the book ________ the dictionary because I don’t have enough money for both.

A. both; and   B. not only; but also   C. either; or   D. neither; nor


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