



初三英语Lesson 4 The Golden Touch练习

I. 根据句意补全句中单词所缺的字母。

1. I don’t kn ___ ___ how to get to the Summer Palace.

2. “Hello , Mr. Green. May I ___ sk you a question?”

“Certainly ! What is it?”

3. Jack joined the army two years ___ go .

4. There is a l ___ ttle milk in the bottle.

5. When you leave this room , please t ___ ___ n off the light.

6. Turn off the TV and light, and th ___ n you can leave the room.

II. 用所给词的适当形式填空:

1. Where’s Lucy? She _______ to the cinema.(go)

2. I ______ don’t know.(real)

3. Our classroom is _______ than theirs .(big)

4. ______ month of a year is September.(nine)

5. Shanghai is one of the largest _______ in China .(city)

6. What _______ you ______ now ?(talk)

7. My brother drives a car . He is a ________ .(drive)

8. Please show _______ the way to Beijing Library.(I)

9. Who is _______ in your class ?(short)

10. They live with ________ parents in Beijing.(they)

III. 选词填空:

arrive in ,either…or… , enjoy themselves , finish , listen to , move , put on, sing, teach , turn on ,

1. It’s 10 o’clock in the evening. You’d better _______ your work now .

2. I only have one ticket. ______ you _____ I can go to see the film .

3. They had a party on Christmas Eve. They ______ very much at the party .

4. Mr. Brown ______ to Beijing last year.

5. You should the teacher if you want to learn.

6. My sister _______ the TV and began to watch TV.

7. It’s cold today. _______ some heavy clothes , please .

8. Listen! Someone ________ an Chinese song in the next room.

9. Mrs. Green is a teacher. She _______ English in the school for 15 years.

10. After the visitors ______ Shanghai, they had a rest in the Shanghai Hotel.

IV. 根据汉语意思和英文提示词语,用学过的句型写出语法正确的句子,所给的英语提示词语必须都用上。

1. 直到你告诉我们,我们才知道这个消息。

we , know, news , tell


2. “该是上课的时候了。请打开你们的课本。”

class , open , book


3. 每天早上做早操对你有好处。

you , morning exercise


4. 你的腿怎么啦?

your leg


5. 题太难了,我们都回答不出来。

question , difficult , we , answer


6. 你每天花两个小时做作业吗?

it , two hours , do your homework


7. 你可以坐飞机也可以坐船去那儿。

you , can , go there , by air , by ship


8. 你感冒了。你最好别出去。

catch a cold , outside , go out


V. 从右栏找出左栏各句适当的答语。

1. What’s the date today ? A. Certainly .

2. Will you please give a message to her? B. Yes , please .

3. I wish you good luck . C. I’ve got a headache .

4. How is the weather today ? D. It’s Sunday .

5. What’s wrong with you ? E. It’s June 12th.

6. What day is it today ? F. Thank you all the same .

7. Would you like some coffee? G. Thank you .

8. I’m sorry I don’t know . H. I want a hat.

9. It’s time for us to leave . I. It’s windy .

10. What can I do for you ? J. Good-bye .

VI. 完型填空:

Look at your watch for one minute. 1 the time, 174 babies were born in the world. During the next hour, over 2 more babies will be born on the earth. In one day, people have to find 3 over 250,000 mouths 4 . Just think 5 more there will be in one year. 6 will happen in 100 years? The population 7 may be the greatest on of the world’s today. The world’s population is growing 8 . this is just ten years after it 9 five billion. That means that in about 600 years, there will be standing 10 only in the world.

1. A. At B. During C. While D. Between

2. A. 1,000 B. 10,200 C. 10,440 D. 10,500

3. A. food B. fruit C. vegetables D. drink

4. A. many B. much C. more D. most

5. A. how many B. how long C. how far D. how much

6. A. Why B. How C. Where D. What

7. A. problems B. problem C. question D. questions

8. A. more fast and more fast

B. quick and quick


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