初三英语同步练习:Unit 12



初三英语同步练习:九年级上册英语Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands试题


1. shake__________  shake hands_____________


In China, we usually _______________ when we meet others for the first time.

2. custom________

3. bow__________  kiss___________  kiss sb.____________= give sb. a kiss

In Japan, people usually ________when they meet. But in America, people would like to _______ for greeting.

4. relaxed________ relaxing__________


其动词形式是relax,有relax oneself自我放松。

5. drop by__________  come over____________(通常用来表示叫人过来)

6. land作名词___________,作动词_____________。

7. after all¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____________

8. greet__________  greet sb. = say hello to sb. __________

9. make a noise______________________   noisy____________


In class, there is too much ____________. I can’t stand it.

Can you hear any strange____________?

They talk in low _____________ in order to keep secret.

10. stick作动词____________,作名词_____________。

11. point__________ point out  指出   point at  指着

12. go out of one’s way to do sth._____________________

(get) in the way__________ by the way__________ in this/that way________

on one’s way to …_________________  on one’s way home_____________

13. make sb. feel at home___________________________

14. manner______(常用复数) table manners___________ bad/good manners____

15. be/get used to sth./doing sth.____________________

区分:be used to do sth.______________ used to do sth____________

be used for doing sth._________________

16. 餐具:fork________  knife________  spoon_________  table spoon______

tea spoon________  plate_________  chopsticks_________ bowl__________

cup__________  glass___________

17. full (1)__________ 反义词___________; (2)__________ 反义词__________

be full of = be filled with_____________

18. toast________

19. crowd__________, 其形容词是____________, 反义词__________.

20. rubbish___________, 另外还有litter,trash,garbage。

21. form___________   注意区分form和from

22. beside_______  next to________  near__________   另外besides_______

23. e-mail = email__________    mail box__________

24. learn… by oneself____________   teach oneself_____________

learn from sb.____________

25. experiment_____________

26. pleased___________ be pleased with_________

27. queue________  join the queue/line_________ wait in line _______

cut in line / jump the queue_________

28. whose__________


一. 选词填空    (talk, wipe, meet, behave, manner, rude, fork, full)

1. I don’t know how to ____________ at the dinner table.

2. You are not supposed to ____________ at the table. You should keep quiet.

3. It’s ___________ to make noise when you are eating in China.

4. While Jim was walking in the street, he ______________ his good friend Jack.

5. Please ___________ your mouth with your napkin after the meal.

6. In France, it’s rude to say you’re ________ when you don’t want any more food.

7. The Westerners eat with knives and ___________ instead of chopsticks.

8. We are supposed to know table _________ when we’re invited to a party.


(  ) 1. Don’t make a lot of _________, your grandpa is sleeping.

A. voice        B. noise        C. sound         D. sounds

(  ) 2. The workers have decided to finish the task on time, ___________ it

means they would have no weekends these two months.

A. after all      B. though       C. as if          D. above all

(  ) 3. He __________ a piece of waste paper and put it into the rubbish bag.

A. picked up    B. threw away     C. looked for     D. handed in

(  ) 4. You shouldn’t point _______ anyone with your fingers.

A. with        B. up        C. at          D. of

(  ) 5. You shouldn’t eat _____ drink while_______ down the street.

A. and, walk   B. or, walk    C. and, walking     D. or, walking

(  ) 6. We’ve been studying in our school for two years and we ______ the life.

A. got used to    B. used to   C. have gotten used to   D. be used to

(  ) 7. All the students went on a school trip__ Tony because he was ill on that day.

A. besides      B. except     C. except for      D. beside

Unit 12 You’re supposed to shake hands.(知识点)

Name___________  Class__________


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