


在中国,英语是一门主要的课程,与语文数学并列,是求学者永远离不开必学的一门课程。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇2016九年级英语月考试题



(一) 录音中有五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每小题A、B、C中选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。


1.A. On Saturday. B. At the gym. C. With Tony.

2. A. It’s true. B. Bad luck. C. Congratulations!

3. A.Nice to meet you too. B. Of course. C. Thank you!

4.A.Surfing . B. Playing tennis. C. Playing the piano.

5.A.Me too. B. Have a great time. C. Good luck.



6. _______. 7. _______. 8. _______


9.. What does the man want to do?

A. Climb hills. B. Go fishing. C. Go shopping.

10.What does Rose want to do this summer holiday?

A. Go hiking. B. Have a trip. C. Have a picnic.

11.What sport does the man like better?

A. Basketball. B. Baseball. C. Table tennis.

12. What does the man mean?

A. He will play football.

B. He can’t play football with them this afternoon.

C. He doesn’t like playing with them.

13.Who did Li Ping stay Sydney with ?

A.Her classmates B.Her parents C.Her friends

14.What kind of photo does the man like?

A.The mountain B.The sea C.The cat



15. When will the man visit Paris?

A. This winter. B. This autumn. C. This summer.

16. Where are the speakers now?

A. In France. B. In Italy. C. In Taiwan.

17. What do many people like to see on Mount Ali?

A. The beautiful beach. B. The sunrise. C. The forest.


18.Why does the woman look very sad?

A. For her English class B. For her science class . C. For her history class .

19.Does the woman know anything about clocks?

A. Yes,she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know.

20.What does the man think is the most important invention ?

A. Clocks. B.Chocolate. C. The computer

(五) 听力填表(共5小题,计5分; 录音播放前,你有20秒钟的读题时间)


What does Jim like to do? He likes to play(21)  .

When was the football match with No. 8 Middle School? It was on last(22)  afternoon.

How were the players of No. 8 Middle School? They were all big and(23)  .

When did Jim kick a goal? At the end of the(24)  of the match.

Where did Jim get hurt? His(25)  .

二. 单项选择。(10分)

26.Mr Brown is coming to visit our school. Our English teacher will _____ at the airport.

A. take him off B. pick him up

C. see him off D. take him up

27.I can’t find the book about famous sportsmen ____ I borrowed from the library yesterday.

A. which B. who C. what D. whom

28. . — Have you seen the photos ____ I took on my trip?

— Yes, I have. They are fantastic.

A. that B. who C. what D. whom

29. — I want to win the writing competition.

— ____.

A. Oh, very funny B. I bet you do

C. Nice work D. It’s amazing

30. New Standard ______ 100 issues until now.

A. is published B. will be published

C. has been published D. has published



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