


▲No Littering

▲No Smoking


( )6. The underlined word “Litter” means “_______” in Chinese.

A. 高声喧哗 B. 乱扔垃圾

C. 随意攀爬 D. 横冲直撞

( )7. Alec, a five-year-old boy, can’t go to _______ alone. 6

A. Dolores Park B. Central Park

C. Bolin Park D. Veterans Park

( )8. John plans to visit the Veterans Park this weekend. He can _______ there.

A. feed birds B. go camping

C. skateboard D. ride his bike

( )9. According to the material, _______ close at the same time.

A. Central Park and Bolin Park

B. Dolores Park and Bolin Park

C. Central Park and Veterans Park

D. Dolores Park and Veterans Park

( )10 According to the material, visitors are NOT allowed to smoke in _______ park(s).【2:217】

A. one B. two

C. three D. four

❋ C ❋

Jim Davidson said reading played a “very, very important role” in his children’s lives as they were growing up. During his twenty years as a writer, the father of four became worried about illiteracy (文盲) in America and decided to do something about it.

Davidson started “Bookcase for Every Child” project (项目) in his hometown of Conway, Arkansas, USA in 2005. The project provides low-income (低收入的) children with bookcases, and a starter set of books to encourage reading.

Davidson’s project is different from other projects. Instead of raising money from the public, he gets many people personally to take part in the project.

“We decided to build 50 bookcases each year and give them to low-income children,” said Davidson. “I can promise you this is the nicest piece of furniture (家具) in most of these low-income children’s homes.”

Today, the project has spread to eight communities (社区) in five states. He said the project’s early success belonged to the community members. “I knew a lot of people all over the community and was able to choose a group of people to do the job,” said Davidson. The group included members such as librarians and a workman.

Davidson’s love for the project grew deeper after his wife died in May, 2013. For him, spreading the bookcase project all over the country is the best way to remember her. And he hopes to have at least one project in every state in his country.


( )11. Jim Davidson started “Bookcase for Every Child” project ______.

A. because of his wife

B. because of his children

C. because he worried about illiteracy in the USA

D. because he wanted more children to become writers

( )12. Jim Davidson started “Bookcase for Every Child” project ______ year(s) ago.



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