


C. Anything D. Nothing

三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)

❋ A ❋

According to research, an average (普通的) American kid watches TV for about 3 to 4 hours a day. That means he or she spends more than one and a half months a year in front of the TV. But some American kids are just saying “No” to TV.

Take Meghan Kelley from Pembroke, Massachusetts for example. She used to spend a lot of her free time in front of the TV. But several years ago, Meghan gave up her TV habits. Her days of watching TV ended when she and her classmates took part in Screen-Free Week. Screen-Free Week is on the first week of May every year. It is an event where children, families and schools are encouraged to turn off their TVs, computers, DVD players, iPads and so on and “turn on life” — read, enjoy nature, and spend time with family and friends.

After the first week, Meghan decided to test herself further (进一步). “I wanted to see how long I could go without TV,” said Meghan. “Could I do it for a year?” The answer was yes!217网

Although sometimes she misses TV, Meghan finds life without TV more interesting. She joined two soccer clubs and now plays basketball. Because Meghan is studying more, she’s also getting much better grades.


( )1. An average American kid watches TV for more than 20 hours a week.

( )2. The writer thinks older kids could watch TV more often.01

( )3. Screen-Free Week helped Meghan Kelley give up her TV habits.

( )4. Meghan Kelley found it hard to live without TV at first.

( )5. Meghan Kelley has never missed TV since she gave up her TV habits.

❋ B ❋

Parks are public spaces. They provide us with a place to enjoy and rest. In order to have a fun and safe time, we should follow the park rules. Here are some rules of some parks.

Dolores Park Rules

Park Closed: 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.

▲No Smoking

▲Dogs Must Be Kept on a Leash (系狗的皮带)

▲Dog Walkers Must Pick Up and Remove Dog Waste

▲Don’t Feed Birds or Animals

▲No Camping

▲No Fires

▲Keep Dolores Park Clean Central Park Rules

Park Closes at 1:00 a.m.

▲Keep the Park Clean so Please Don’t Litter

▲No Unleashed Dogs Except in Some Areas

▲No Feeding Birds

▲Don’t Enter the Park After It Is Closed

▲No Performing

Bolin Park Rules

Park Hours: Sunrise to Sunset

▲Children Must Be with Adults

▲No Climbing on Any Monuments (纪念碑)

▲No Overnight Camping Allowed

▲Please Use Waste Containers (容器)

▲No Restrooms in the Park Veterans Park Rules

Park Hours: 5:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

▲No Skateboarding

▲No Bike Riding or Roller Skating

▲No Camping

▲No Open Fires



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