


B: Reading books is good, but you should take some exercise if you want to be healthy.

A: Yes, you’re right.






答案: 1. How often do you play sports 2. What sports do you play 3. Which is your favorite sport 4. Why do you like it best 5. I like reading books

Ⅶ. 短文填空(10分)

从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空, 完成短文, 使短文内容完整、通顺。

experience, without, active, idea, enjoy,

tired, beautiful, prefer, full, feel

Why is music important to people? Because life 1 music wouldn’t be exciting. Different kinds of music express different feelings and life 2 . So when we listen to different kinds of music, they can bring us different 3 . For example, rock music can make you 4 ; classical music can make you relaxed; and country music can make you think of the 5 country life.

At different ages, people have different 6 about music. Young people today 7 pop music while their parents 8 to listen to classical music. Perhaps this is because young people are 9 of energy and faster music can let their energy come out. Their parents have worked very hard during the day and they have got 10 when they come back home. So they would listen to classical music to make them relaxed.

答案: 1. without 2. experiences 3. feelings 4. active 5. beautiful

6. ideas 7. enjoy 8. prefer 9. full 10. tired

Ⅷ. 书面表达(20分)

假如某英语杂志社正在征稿, 题目是“My favorite     ”, 请你写一篇英语短文, 说说你最喜欢的……及其原因, 并给该杂志社投稿。

要求: 1. 先把题目补充完整;

2. 恰当运用定语从句;

3. 90个词左右。






My favorite fruit

There are many kinds of fruits we can eat, such as apples, bananas and pears. However, apples are my favorite.

I eat apples every day. I think they are very tasty. I like apples very much because they are good for our memory. The most important thing is that apples are healthy food and they have many things that our bodies need. They are good for our health. I think people who eat apples will be healthier than those who don’t eat them at all.

Ⅸ. 阅读理解(10分)

Spanish ballet(西班牙芭蕾舞)

The Spanish National Ballet will tour our

country and their classical repertoires(剧目)will

be shown in Beijing.

Time: 7: 30 pm, May 20~21

Place: Chaoyang Theater, 36 Dongsanhuan Beilu, Chaoyang District

Tel: 6506-8116

Opera classic(经典作品)



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