【解析】选A。考查语境理解。句意: 会演奏乐器的人在聚会上总是有事可做。at a party在聚会上。故选A。
Ⅳ. 词汇运用(10分)
1. If you have s time, please come to listen to the concer t with me.
2. Dave was born in Australia, but he isn’t an A boy.
3. The TV show didn’t interest us much. It’s boring, I s .
4. There are p of rain in their hometown in summer.
5. I used to regard the man as a (超级英雄).
答案: 1. spare 2. Australian 3. suppose 4. plenty 5. superhero
6. (one)in a while, I play the erhu after school on F riday.
7. I think this piece of music sounds as (good)as that one.
8. Tina enjoys (play)tennis and baseball.
9. Some food (taste)good, but it is usually bad for our health.
10. Kevin is (interest)in Beijing Opera and he often goes to see it on weekends.
答案: 6. Once 7. good 8. playing 9. tastes 10. interested
Ⅴ. 完成句子(10分)
1. 我喜欢诚实的人。
I like the people h onest.
2. 吃太多垃圾食品有害健康。
Eating too much junk food our health.
3. 偶尔地, 我一个人去滑冰。
, I go skating alone.
4. 毕竟这儿总共只有两个诚实的朋友。
After all, there are only two honest friends here.
5. 大部分学生不但喜欢流行歌曲, 而且乐于看电视。
Most students like pop songs,
enjoy watching TV.
答案: 1. who are 2. is bad for 3. Once in a while
4. in total 5. not only; but also
Ⅵ. 补全对话(10分)
根据对话内容, 在空白处填入恰当的句子, 使对话完整、通顺。
A: Tom, do you like playing sports?
B: Yes, I do. I like it very much.
A: 1 ?
B: Five times a week.
A: 2 ?
B: I usually play soccer, run and swim.
A: 3 ?
B: Playing soccer.
A: 4 ?
B: Because it’s exciting and relaxing. What about you, Alice?
A: I don’t like playing sports. 5 .
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