


This book is full of interesting pieces of information. It would be perfect for middle school students.


51. What does the book 24 Hours in the Desert describe first?


52. Why does the book mainly talk about the Sahara Desert?


53. Does the book talk about plants relative to the desert?


54. What is the “find out more” part about?


55. Who would the book be perfect for?


Ⅵ. 完成句子(共5分,每小题1分)


56. 我认为她会拒绝,但最后她同意了。

I thought she would refuse, but ________________ she agreed.

57. 她说她能独自打扫教室。

She said she could clean the classroom ________________ .

58. 我父母很忙,我不得不在家照顾妹妹。

My parents are very busy, and I have to ________________ my sist er at home.

59. 詹妮攒钱是为了能给她妈妈买一件生日礼物。5ykj.com

Jenny saved the money ________________ she could buy a birthday present for her mother.

60. 这位作家在亚洲和欧洲都很出名。

The writer is famous in ________________ .

Ⅶ. 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)


Wanda and Tina studied at the same school and they were best friends. They a (61) ate together, played together and studied together. That’s w (62) Wanda was so surprised one day when Tina wouldn’t talk to her. She saved Tina a seat in the dining hall, b (63) when Tina came in she went off and sat by herself.

Wanda didn’t know what was w (64). Could Tina be a ngry with her? She thought about what she did and said recently (最近). Was Tina angry because Wanda did b (65) on the history test than her? No, Tina didn’t c (66) about that kind of thing. She was happy that Wanda did well in school.

Wanda d (67) to find out what was the matter. She walked over to Tina. “Tina,” she said softly, “is something wrong?”



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