


C. made his first short cartoon

D. sold his pictures to his neighbours

( )47. Which of the following Disney movies is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Pollyanna.

B. Dumbo.

C. Bambi.

D. Pinocchio.

( )48. Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Florida opened in _____ ___.

A. 1940

B. 1965

C. 1966

D. 1971

( )49. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. A ticket to Disneyland cost $10 in 1955.

B. Walt Disney showed interest in drawing when he was young.

C. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was not very popular at first.

D. Walt Disney began to enjoy success soon after he went to Hollywood.

( )50. Which is the best title of the passage?

A. Disneyland

B. Disney World

C. The story of Walt Disney

D. Famous Disney cartoon characters


Who wants to spend 24 Hours in the Desert? It’s the name of an unusual book. At the beginning, this book describes what a desert is, and then it explains the different kinds of deserts. This book mainly talks about the Sahara Desert, because it is the world’s largest desert. It has an area of about 3.5 million square miles in northern Africa!

Morning life in a desert is described next. In this part, wind, sand, water, and plants relative (有关的) to the desert are discussed. Afternoon life, evening life, and nightlife in a desert are also described. Did you know that the Sahara Desert holds the record (记录) for the highest air temperature? Did you also know that sand from the Sahara Desert can ride the winds all the way across the Atlantic Ocean and reach a beach in Florida, US?

Near the end of the book, one page gives some facts about the Sahara Desert. In the rest of the book, you can find a glossary (术语汇编), a “find out more” part and an index (索引). The “find out more” part gives some books and websites to find out more information about the Sa hara Desert.



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