



一、单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,计 15 分)

从A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。

(    ) 1. What __________ good time we had having a picnic yesterday!

A. a    B. an   C. /    D. the

(    ) 2. —Do you like tea or coffee?  —Coffee. I prefer coffee __________ milk.

A. to   B. with   C. of   D. in

(    ) 3. My teacher has given me lots of __________. They’re very useful.

A. informat ion  B. news    C. suggestions  D. advice

(    ) 4. Computers of this kind __________. They are out of stock (脱销) now.

A. sell good  B. sell well  C. are sold good D. are sold well

(    ) 5. —Excuse me, could you tell me __________?

—In ten minutes.

A. how long the train will leave  B. how soon the plane will arrive

C. when did the train leave   D. when the train left

(    ) 6. —Millie, how long have you __________ this book?

—For over a week.

A. kept   B. have   C. borrowed  D. lent

(    ) 7. More colleges __________ next year for more students to get a good education.

A. will be set up B. will set up  C. are setting up D. were set up

(    ) 8. —When will you come to see me, on Tuesday or Thursday?

—__________ day is OK. I’m on holiday.

A. Both   B. All   C. Either   D. None

(    ) 9. The Old Town o f Lijiang is __________ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.

A. popular  B. famous  C. special   D. for

(    ) 10. —Do you know the young man well?

—Sure, we __________ friends since we met in Nanjing three years ago.

A. have been  B. were   C. have made  D. have become



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