




My name’s Mary. I had a busy but happy summer holiday. My days usually started with a nice breakfast. Breakfast time was the best time to talk with my parents. We often talked about our dreams, and the weather. My parents went to work after breakfast. Then I started doing my homework. Two hours later, I had a rest. At one pm, I went to the piano class. To tell you the truth, I don’t really love the piano. After dinner, I usually walked with my dog in the park near my house. At half past eight I turned on the TV. My favorite program was the Animal World. At ten o’clock I went to bed and started dreaming about my next day.


A.  21.  worried 22.  outgoing 23.  friendly 24.  nervous 25.  language

B.  26.  healthier 27.  called 28.  had taught 29.  trying 30.  was invented


31.  C broken为形容词, 修饰名词; 后一句应为一般过去时。

32.  A teach sb.   to do sth.

33.  B

34.  B F2F是face to face在email English中的用法。

35.  A thousand前有数字four那么它是数词, 其后不可以加“s”。

36.  D where引导一个定语从句作village的定语。

37.  C根据句意要选择C。

38.  C has gone to是表示其人不在此地;  been to意为去过。

39.  A这是一个反意疑问句, 前面用肯定形式, 后面就要用否定形式。

40.  B must的否定形式是needn't而不可以用mustn't, 意义不同。


41.  aren't used 42.  Did, want 43.  How salty 44.  was invented, by

45.  When can 46.  enjoyed ourselves 47.  have they


48~52 CDBAC 53~57 CBBDA


A.  58~62 ADDAA B.  63~76 TFTFF


Yesterday morning Tim rode his bike to school as usual. He was riding very fast when a car was coming. He did not see the car until it was too late. His bike hit the car and he fell off his bike. The driver helped him stand up. Luckily he was not badly hurt. The policeman saw what happened, he said to Tim, It's very dangerous to ride too fa

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