


4. W: You look tired. What’s the matter?

M: I couldn’t sleep well last night. My neighbor played his CD too loud.

5. W: I’m sorry you can’t park your car here. Please look at the sign.

M: Oh, sorry, I’ll drive away at once.


6 W :Excuse me, I’m doing a survey about learning English.

Can I ask you some questions?

M:  Sure.

7  W: Do you learn English by watching English language videos.

M: No .It’s too hard for me to understand the videos.

8  W: Do you always wear curly hair?

M: No, my hair used to be straight. But I like curly hair better.

请听下面一段对话, 回答第9至10两个小题。

9/10  W: Hi, Dad. Could I borrow the car? I need to buy some jeans.

M: I need to go to my computer class, and I have to use the car.

Maybe you can use it tomorrow.

W: Could I drive you to your computer class, then get you later?

I could shop at the mall while you’re in class.

M: That's a good idea, but I don’t want you to drive alone so late at night.

My class ends at 10:00.

W: Well, here’s another idea. The mall closes at 9:00. It’s only a mile away, so I could wait for you outside .Then you could drive us home.

M: OK, but you don’t spend too much money!



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