



一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每小题1分) (注:请去掉第一小题三幅图的方框)



5.  What did Linda and her sister do last night?

A. They had a fight.

B. They visited their uncle.

C. They cleaned the bedroom.

6.  What did Linda’s sister break?

A. A watch.           B. A cup.           C. A pen.


7.  What lesson is Lucy taking?

A. A French lesson.       B. An English lesson.      C. A Chinese lesson.

8.  What does Lucy like doing?

A. Writing stories.           B. Giving a talk.         C. Traveling.


9.  Where is the man going to visit?

A. Qianmen.        B. The zoo.    C. The bus stop.

10.  Which bus will the man take first?

A. Bus No.8.     B. Bus No. 23.    C. Bus No. 632.


11.  What’s Mike’s trouble?

A. He isn’t in good health.  B. He didn’t pass the exam. C. He has no friends.

12.  How does Mike’s mother feel now?

A. Angry.      B. Surprised.    C. Worried.

13.  What does Mike’s mother tell him to do?

A. To try to work harder.   B. To take some exercise.  C. To talk with his teachers.


14. What does the speaker mainly tell us?

A. Where to find a foreign culture.

B. How to take part in a foreign culture.

C. What to learn from foreign people.

15. Why does the speaker tell us these things?

A. To introduce something new to us.

B. To make us work for other people.

C. To help us understand a foreign culture.

16. How many ideas are mentioned in the passage?

A. 3.      B. 4.      C. 5.



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