


32. The right way to use the forks, knives and spoons is to use ______________.

A. whichever you like when necessary

B. them from the outside to the inside

C. them from the inside to the outside

D. them from the middle to both sides

33. The butter spreader is ____________________.

A. a fork            B. a spoon          C. a knife    D. a plate

34. The spoon on the outside on the right is for _______________.

A. soup             B. salad            C. butter     D. chicken

35. The best title for this passage is ___________________.

A. Eating Habit in America.

B. Eating Habit in Europe

C. How to use Forks, Knives and Spoons

D. Dinning Customs of the West

Passage 2ww w.xkb 1.com

Here are some simple tips for getting to sleep. They are designed to help you deal with nervousness, stress and worry, and enjoy a good night’s sleep. Not every one of these tips alone will get you to sleep, but a few of them at least should be useful.

Get some physical exercises during the day. Even 15 minutes a day of exercise(at least half an hour before going to bed, so your body will have a chance to slow down) will give your body the activity and oxygen(氧) it needs to help you relax more and sleep better.

Listen to the light music. Play some soft, smooth music that help you sleep. Of course you must have a recorder or CD player that will automatically(自动地) turn off because if you get up and turn it off in the end, you’ll lose its effect.

Drink warm milk. A glass of warm milk 15 minutes before going to bed will keep you calm.

Keep regular bedtime hours. Your body likes regular routines(常规), whether you do or not. It likes to know that it’s going to get up at the same time each day, eat at the same time, and go to bed at the same time. Keep far away from caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Before you go to sleep, you’d better not drink coffee or cola which has caffeine. Don’t drink wine, beer or champagne which has alcohol and don’t smoke.

Don’t watch TV or read before going to bed. Wait at least half an hour before going to bed after reading or watching TV.

36. Which of the following is not mentioned in this text?

A. Listening to music.

B. Drinking warm milk.

C. Keeping far away from caffeine.

D. Using sleeping pills.

37. According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that the way of getting some physical exercise during the day is more effective for _______.

A. sportsman          B. office workers          C. postmen            D. farmers



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