


21. A. no       B. some        C. much         D. enough

22. A. lazy   B. clever        C. careful         D. hard

23. A. did well in     B. was poor at       C. was working           D. was good for

24. A. was angry     B. thought hard   C. agreed            D. said “No.”

25. A. a little      B. a few        C. many         D. a lot

26. A. rest       B. sleep        C. hospital            D. work

27. A. should       B. would        C. to              D. not to

28. A. to remember     B. to forget       C. to catch            D. to teach

29. A. slept      B. went out       C. cooked            D. ate

30. A. reading      B. seeing        C. cooking            D. writing

III. 阅读理解(一) ( 本题共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40 分)

阅读下列短文, 从各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。

Passage 1

When having a meal, a European usually holds the knife in the right hand, and the fork in the left. He uses the knife and fork with his both hands. He keeps his knife and fork in his hands until he finishes eating.

But an American, on the opposite, may use just one hand whenever possible and keep the other hand on his lap(膝部). He uses the fork in his right hand to pick up fried potatoes. When he has to cut his meat, he changes his fork to the left hand and cuts it. Then he puts down the knife and changes his fork to his right hand to pick up the sliced meat.

Then, perhaps, he will suddenly think of his coffee or orange. So he has to put down his fork in order to drink his coffee or orange. Now you can see an American is busy all the time at the dinner table. By the way, Europeans usually have their coffee after meals, but many Americans prefer to have coffee during the meal.

If you are present at a formal dinner, you might be confused to find so many forks, knives and Spoons put before you. You might be at a loss to know what to do with them. Don't worry. The rule is simple. You just use them in the order in which they lie, beginning from outside towards the plate.

The small fork on the outside on the left is for salad. The spoon on the outside on the right is for soup. There is another little knife, called a butter spreader, on a bread-and-butter plate on the left. As the bread is passed, each guest helps himself and puts his pieces on the small plate.

Next to the soup there will probably be the blunt knife for fish, which is smaller and blunter than other knives.

31. When do Europeans usually drink their coffee?

A. Before meals.

B. After meals.

C. While they are having their meals.

D. They never drink coffee when they eat.



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