




1.— Are you feeling ____? — Yes,I’m fine now.

A. any well  B. any better C. quite good D. quite better

2.The math problem was____ easier than we had thought.

A. more  B. much more   C. much D. more much

3.If there were no examinations,we should have ___ at school.

A. the happiest time  B. a more happier time

C. much happiest time  D. a much happier time

4. ———Is chemistry more difficult than physics?

———No,chemistry isn’t as____as physics.

A. easy B. difficult C. easier D. more difficult

5. Beijing is becoming _________ and ______.

A. more beautiful,more B. beautiful,beautiful

C. more,more beautiful D. more beautiful,more beautiful

6.______ children there are in a family,_____their life will be.

A. The less,the better B. The fewer,the better

C. Fewer,richer D. More,poorer

7. Oct 15th was one of ________ days in 2003. The Shenzhou-V was sent up

successfully.A. exciting B. more excitingC. the most exciting D.much exciting

8.Remember not to speak _______ when we are in the reading room.

A. fast B. slowly C. politely D. loudly

10.———What was the weather like yesterday?

———It was terrible.It rained so ___ that people could_________go out.

A. hardly…hard B. hardly…hardly C.hard…hardly D.hard…hard

11.It’s seven o’clock in the afternoon,but they are ______ having a meeting.

A already B.still C.yet D.ever


1.What a ____ cough!You seem_____ill.

A.terrible,terriblyB. terribly,terribleC. terribleterribleD. terribly,terribly

2.I feel even _____ now.  A. bad  B. well C. worse D. worst

3.She was very happy. She ran _____of all the runners.

A. fastest B. the quickest  C. slowest D.quickly

4.Keep quiet,please. It’s _____noisy here.

A. many too  B. too many  C. much too D. too much

5.———Have you _____ spoken to a foreigner?———No,_____.

A. already,never B.ever,never C. yet,already D. ever,ever

6.He is taller than_________in his class.

A. any boy B. any C. any other boy D. some other boys







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