初三英语Unit 3 The Media教案



3. They did _________ (bad) on the test th an the other students.

4. Who is ________(good) at playing chess, you or your brother?

5. Who did ________ (well) in the competition?

6. After the accident he drove __________ (careful) than before.

7. She talks ________________ (quickly) than her sister.

8. Liu Mei sings_________________(beautiful) in our class.

9. ________ (hard) you study, __________ (high) mark you will get.

10. The day is getting_____ and ____ (short).

11. He got a cold yesterday and he feels even _____________ today. (bad)


一. 教学内容:

Book 15 Unit 3 (II)


二. 教学重点和难点:

1. 形容词,副词的双重比较

2. 形容词性和名词性物主代词

3. 重点词汇

三. 具体内容:


Advertising has existed for hundreds of year. But in recent years, it has become more and more important as a way to sell products. Ads nowadays are more and more difficult to do. Some companies spend millions of dollars advertising their products. The bigger the product is, the more expensive the ad is. Advertising makes many problems. They show us that if we buy a certain product, we will be happier, healthier, more attractive, more popular, more successful, etc.

Advertisers have used the same methods for many years. Some use humor-funny characters or a joke. Others use a simple song-the easier to remember, the better. The advertisers try to make us feel good so that we like their products. Some advertisers use a famous person to tell how wonder ful a product is. The more famous the person is, the more money the advertiser has to pay.

Advertisers often repeat their ads. We can see or hear ads for a new product everywhere: on the radio, on TV, on the Internet, in magazines and in the street. Then we go shopping and we see more ads on posters in the stores! From the advertises’ point of view, the more times we see or hear the ad, the better.


1. the +比较级, the +比较级

The bigger the product is, the more expensive the ad is.

The more famous the person is, the more the ad has to pay.

2. 比较级+and+比较级

Our life is getting better and better.

In autumn the weather becomes colder and colder.

3. 句型互换

1)He is taller than she.


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